WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUESTION PAPER October 22nd 2003 |
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WithQuiz League paper 22/10/03 |
Set by: X-Pats |
QotW: R6/Q6 |
Average Aggregate Score: 68.6 (Season's Ave. Agg.: 70.2) |
"The standard of the paper was fine." Ethel Rodin liked the question about the only six-letter English word ending with 'cit'. |
1. |
Why has Shirin Ebadi been in the news recently? |
2. |
For what invention did Peter Mansfield win this year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine? |
3. |
In what game are the Hendon Mob of Ram Vaswami, Joe Beevers, Ross Boatman & Barney Boatman, leading players? |
4. |
How many cards are dealt to each player in a game of Texas Hold’em Poker? |
5. |
Give a year in the life of Alexander the Great. |
6. |
Give a year in the life of Socrates (the philosopher not the footballer). |
7. |
Whose latest album is entitled Life for Rent? |
8. |
Whose first album is entitled Permission to Land? |
1. |
Whose recent autobiography is entitled What’s it all about?? |
2. |
Which was the first football team to eliminate Real Madrid from the European Cup? |
3. |
Which team won the European Cup in 1961 - the first other than Real Madrid to do so? |
4. |
Who’s latest novel is entitled Avenger? |
5. |
Who last Sunday won the World Matchplay Golf Championship and the £1m prize? |
6. |
What is the chemical formula for ethanol? |
7. |
What disease is caused by the substitution of a glutamic acid by a valine, within haemoglobin? |
8. |
Who scored England’s try in last Saturday’s defeat of South Africa? |
1. |
Concorde retires this week - in what year was its maiden flight? |
2. |
In which town are Moorhouses beers produced? |
3. |
Which high tech company has the motto 'Think Different'? |
4. |
What Ikea item of furniture is the famous Billy? |
5. |
What items of Ikea furniture are represented by variants called - Krister, Signum, Mikael and Effektiv? |
6. |
Which high tech company has the motto 'Invent'? |
7. |
In which town are Timothy Taylor’s beers produced? |
8. |
In which year did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space? |
1. |
In the theme tune to Magpie, what is denoted by the observation of 7 Magpies? |
2. |
Complete the following well known saying – 'Whitbread big head Trophy Bitter, the pint that ...'. |
3. |
Who holds the position of Rail Regulator? |
4. |
Of which US Diocese is Gene Robinson earmarked to become the gay Bishop? |
5. |
Hoppers of Harrogate recently suffered the theft of £100,000 worth of knickers and bras from the new lingerie collection of which popular female icon? |
6. |
Which Railway Station tearoom, now refurbished, featured in the film Brief Encounter? |
7. |
How are George and James Loveless, James Brine, Thomas and John Stanfield and James Hemmett collectively known? |
8. |
Henry Hunt was deemed responsible for what tragic event in 1819? |
1. |
Which country’s International car registration mark is YV? |
2. |
Which Booker Prize winning novel, also an Oscar winning film, was written by Michael Ondatje? |
3. |
Who composed the music for the opera The Pearl Fishers? |
4. |
Who, in Greek Mythology, solved the riddle of the Sphinx? |
5. |
What is the female equivalent of the Oedipus Complex? |
6. |
Who composed the music for the opera Tristan and Isolde? |
7. |
What book won this year’s Booker prize? |
8. |
Which country’s International car registration mark is TN? |
1. |
To the nearest £1000, how much total money is there available in the game of Monopoly? |
2. |
What is the only common six-letter word in the English language to end in the letters ‘cit’? |
3. |
According to George Mikes, “Continental people have sex lives but the English have….” - what? |
4. |
Whose works include The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker? |
5. |
For what condition would your doctor prescribe you a statin - such as Lipitor? |
“Deny thy father and refuse thy name”, follows which famous line of Shakespeare’s? |
7. |
What is the only common six-letter word in the English language to end in the letters ‘igy’? |
8. |
What is the home town of Desperate Dan? |
1. |
In which of Shakespeare’s plays would you find the phrase “Winter of our discontent”? |
2. |
In which modern country is the ruined city of Carthage? |
3. |
What would you be doing if you were spelunking? |
4. |
Which book would you be reading if you came across 'Mrs Do-as-you-would-be-done-by'? |
5. |
Which book, and recent Oscar-winning film, opens with the line: “My name is Lester Burnham. I’m 42 years old and in less than a year I will be dead”? |
6. |
In which city would you find The Book of Kells? |
7. |
In which modern country is the ancient city of Troy? |
8. |
In which of Shakespeare’s plays would you find the phrase “Discretion is the better part of valour”? |
1. |
On which Scottish island is the whisky Laphroaig produced? |
2. |
The disease of Parotitis, is more commonly known as what? |
3. |
What was the first man-made object to exceed the speed of sound? |
4. |
From which substance is turpentine distilled? |
5. |
What type of creature is an alewife? |
6. |
Who was the first human to fly through the sound barrier and survive? |
7. |
Infectious mononucleosis is more commonly referred to as what? |
8. |
On which Scottish island is the whisky Talisker produced? |
1. |
“When I am dead and opened, you will find Calais in my heart” - said whom? |
2. |
What is on the summit of Mount Corcovado? |
3. |
Which team scored most goals in the Euro 2004 football qualifying competition? |
4. |
Which team conceded most goals in the Euro 2004 football qualifying competition? |
5. |
Triton is the largest moon of which planet? |
6. |
Which element has the lowest melting point? |
7. |
How are Tommy, Dil, Lil, Phil and Angelica collectively known? |
8. |
Name the seven deadly sins (“I keep a busy schedule, trying to fit them in” - Warren Zevon - R.I.P.). |
Go to Spare questions with answers
1. |
Why has Shirin Ebadi been in the news recently? |
She is this year’s Nobel Peace Price winner |
2. |
For what invention did Peter Mansfield win this year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine? |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (accept MRI Scanner) |
3. |
In what game are the Hendon Mob of Ram Vaswami, Joe Beevers, Ross Boatman & Barney Boatman, leading players? |
Poker (they are England’s Poker Team) |
4. |
How many cards are dealt to each player in a game of Texas Hold’em Poker? |
2 (2 to each player and then there are up to 5 'community' cards, face up in the centre) |
5. |
Give a year in the life of Alexander the Great. |
356 - 323 BC |
6. |
Give a year in the life of Socrates (the philosopher not the footballer). |
469 - 399 BC |
7. |
Whose latest album is entitled Life for Rent? |
Dildo (accept Dido) |
8. |
Whose first album is entitled Permission to Land? |
The Darkness |
Go back to Round 1 questions without answers
1. |
Whose recent autobiography is entitled What’s it all about?? |
Cilla Black |
2. |
Which was the first football team to eliminate Real Madrid from the European Cup? |
Barcelona (in season 1960-1) |
3. |
Which team won the European Cup in 1961 - the first other than Real Madrid to do so? |
Benfica |
4. |
Who’s latest novel is entitled Avenger? |
Fredrick Forsythe |
5. |
Who last Sunday won the World Matchplay Golf Championship and the £1m prize? |
Ernie Els |
6. |
What is the chemical formula for ethanol? |
C2H5OH (accept C2H6O) |
7. |
What disease is caused by the substitution of a glutamic acid by a valine, within haemoglobin? |
Sickle cell anaemia (do not accept just anaemia) |
8. |
Who scored England’s try in last Saturday’s defeat of South Africa? |
Will Greenwood |
Go back to Round 2 questions without answers
1. |
Concorde retires this week - in what year was its maiden flight? |
1969 (the first scheduled flight was 1975) |
2. |
In which town are Moorhouses beers produced? |
Burnley |
3. |
Which high tech company has the motto 'Think Different'? |
Apple Computers |
4. |
What Ikea item of furniture is the famous Billy? |
The Billy Bookcase of course (accept bookshelves) |
5. |
What items of Ikea furniture are represented by variants called - Krister, Signum, Mikael and Effektiv? |
Computer workstations |
6. |
Which high tech company has the motto 'Invent'? |
Hewlett Packard |
7. |
In which town are Timothy Taylor’s beers produced? |
Keighley |
8. |
In which year did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space? |
1961 |
Go back to Round 3 questions without answers
1. |
In the theme tune to Magpie, what is denoted by the observation of 7 Magpies? |
'A secret never to be told' |
2. |
Complete the following well known saying – 'Whitbread big head Trophy Bitter, the pint that ...'. |
'.... thinks its a quart' |
3. |
Who holds the position of Rail Regulator? |
Tom Windsor |
4. |
Of which US Diocese is Gene Robinson earmarked to become the gay Bishop? |
New Hampshire |
5. |
Hoppers of Harrogate recently suffered the theft of £100,000 worth of knickers and bras from the new lingerie collection of which popular female icon? |
Kylie Minogue |
6. |
Which Railway Station tearoom, now refurbished, featured in the film Brief Encounter? |
Carnforth |
7. |
How are George and James Loveless, James Brine, Thomas and John Stanfield and James Hemmett collectively known? |
The Tolpuddle Martyrs |
8. |
Henry Hunt was deemed responsible for what tragic event in 1819? |
The Peterloo Massacre |
Go back to Round 4 questions without answers
1 |
Which country’s International car registration mark is YV? |
Venezuela |
2. |
Which Booker Prize winning novel, also an Oscar winning film, was written by Michael Ondatje? |
The English Patient |
3. |
Who composed the music for the opera The Pearl Fishers? |
Bizet |
4. |
Who, in Greek Mythology, solved the riddle of the Sphinx? |
Oedipus |
5. |
What is the female equivalent of the Oedipus Complex? |
The Electra Complex |
6. |
Who composed the music for the opera Tristan and Isolde? |
Wagner |
7. |
What book won this year’s Booker prize? |
Vernon God Little (by D B C Pierre) |
8. |
Which country’s International car registration mark is TN? |
Tunisia |
Go back to Round 5 questions without answers
1 |
To the nearest £1000, how much total money is there available in the game of Monopoly? |
£15,100 (accept £14,100 - £16,100) |
2. |
What is the only common six-letter word in the English language to end in the letters ‘cit’? |
elicit (also accept placit - although it’s not in common usage - one for the Scrabble-heads) |
3. |
According to George Mikes, “Continental people have sex lives but the English have….” - what? |
Hot water bottles |
4. |
Whose works include The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker? |
Richard Dawkins |
5. |
For what condition would your doctor prescribe you a statin - such as Lipitor? |
To lower a high level of blood Cholesterol |
6. |
“Deny thy father and refuse thy name”, follows which famous line of Shakespeare’s? |
“Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo” |
7. |
What is the only common six-letter word in the English language to end in the letters ‘igy’? |
effigy |
8. |
What is the home town of Desperate Dan? |
Cactusvilie |
Go back to Round 6 questions without answers
ROUND 7 | ||
1. |
In which of Shakespeare’s plays would you find the phrase “Winter of our discontent”? |
Richard III |
2. |
In which modern country is the ruined city of Carthage? |
Tunisia |
3. |
What would you be doing if you were spelunking? |
Exploring caves |
4. |
Which book would you be reading if you came across 'Mrs Do-as-you-would-be-done-by'? |
Water Babies |
5. |
Which book, and recent Oscar-winning film, opens with the line: “My name is Lester Burnham. I’m 42 years old and in less than a year I will be dead”? |
American Beauty |
6. |
In which city would you find The Book of Kells? |
Dublin |
7. |
In which modern country is the ancient city of Troy? |
Turkey |
8. |
In which of Shakespeare’s plays would you find the phrase “Discretion is the better part of valour”? |
Henry IV part I |
Go back to Round 7 questions without answers
1. |
On which Scottish island is the whisky Laphroaig produced? |
Islay |
2. |
The disease of Parotitis, is more commonly known as what? |
Mumps |
3. |
What was the first man-made object to exceed the speed of sound? |
A whip (i.e. the tip of the whipcord as it is lashed) |
4. |
From which substance is turpentine distilled? |
Pine resin |
5. |
What type of creature is an alewife? |
A fish |
6. |
Who was the first human to fly through the sound barrier and survive? |
Chuck Yeager |
7. |
Infectious mononucleosis is more commonly referred to as what? |
Glandular fever (also accept 'kissing disease') |
8. |
On which Scottish island is the whisky Talisker produced? |
Skye |
1. |
“When I am dead and opened, you will find Calais in my heart” - said whom? |
Mary Tudor |
2. |
What is on the summit of Mount Corcovado? |
A large statue of Christ (in Rio De Janeiro) |
3. |
Which team scored most goals in the Euro 2004 football qualifying competition? |
France (29) |
4. |
Which team conceded most goals in the Euro 2004 football qualifying competition? |
San Marino (30) |
5. |
Triton is the largest moon of which planet? |
Neptune |
6. |
Which element has the lowest melting point? |
Helium (at -270 degrees Celsius) |
7. |
How are Tommy, Dil, Lil, Phil and Angelica collectively known? |
The Rugrats |
8. |
Name the seven deadly sins (“I keep a busy schedule, trying to fit them in” - Warren Zevon - R.I.P.). |
Pride, envy, sloth, gluttony, wrath, lust and avarice (or greed) |