WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 7th January 2004 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
Star result of the week was at St Caths Club where Albert Park notched a surprise away victory against high-flying St Caths. With Fifth Finger getting a walkover against X-Pats, this leaves Kieran's mob clear at the top for the first time this season. Elsewhere:
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week we were entertained by another quirky quiz from Stumped. The crossword round seems, again, to have been pretty popular but some of the other rounds were a bit of a mixed bag. The 'bete noir' question at the Albert Club was (Round 3 Q1) about the 3 Welsh Snooker champs. We were convinced that Ray Reardon was Welsh and that Doug Mountjoy never won the Crucible event. I understand Historyman Ivor had similar misgivings. I was also a bit surprised when I went to the UGC cinema the following evening at Parr's Wood (to see 'Touching the Void' - fantastic tale) and saw a trailer for 'Dogville' which was advertised as one of the great new films of the new year (Round 1 Q7). Oh, and Round 8 was missing Question 6. Across the matches the average aggregate score was 65.3 with actual aggregates varying from 68 (St Caths/Albert Park) to 61 (Snoopy's/Historymen) - so a bit on the low side.
The Question of the Week |
Albert Park have nominated the whole of the Crossword round (Round 4) for the prestigious 'Question of the Week' award. To see this round and all the other questions click here. |
Chatterbox |
Some of you may have seen the question below which I came across over the Christmas break: Only 5 players have scored at least one goal for each of 5 different Premiership clubs since the Premiership began in the 1990's. Name them. One for Damian or Kieran maybe? If you think you know, send me the answers via the 'Contact Us' option off the menu above and I'll give a mention to the first all correct answer received. Answers next week (if I can remember them). |
Fr M and the Black Dog |
Just a brief word from Fr M this week, ending with a dire warning for all who find thinking of numbers as well as answers too taxing for a Wednesday night: