WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 28th January 2004 |
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Quiz Paper Verdict |
Fifth Finger took a week off from their devastating run of form to set this week. There were themes and pairs all around - some explicit and others more irritatingly hidden. Round 1 started with questions about 19n4 years (we didn't spot this - did you?). There was an interesting seaside picture round (Round 5) that some found a bit hard and some really relished (at the Albert Club Mike Heale seemed to have a photographic memory of every British coastal resort and galloped through the pictures!). Then there was round 7! It was clear that most teams 'didn't get it' - comments such as Tony of Snoopy's complaining that there was no pair for 'Sloth' (Q1) proved this. We didn't get it at the Albert Club although Kieran tells me that a 'light went on' for the History Men half way through the round (Kieran QMed in the History Men v Brains encounter). Well the theme of Round 7 was the 7 deadly sins - with question 8 having 'Se7en' as its answer. A nice idea but, it seems, wasted on most of us. Overall the quiz was best summed up by Gerry H who called it ' Across the matches the average aggregate score this week was 68.0 - a bit 'middle for diddlish' I'd say. Actual aggregates varied from 58 (Pigs/Park) to 74 (St Caths/Opsimaths). a bit of a curate's egg'. |
The Question of the Week |
For Question of the Week Kieran suggested Round 7 Q2 where the answer was N.V. (thus ticking off the deadly sin envy). However setters are debarred from selecting QOTW - so my vote goes to (Round 2 Q7): “It looks as if St Paul’s went down to the sea and pupped!” What building was the Reverend Sydney Smith describing? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here.) This particular question was memorable not just because it's rather a good quote, but also because it took us some time to determine from our own QM (no prizes for guessing) that it was not about the toilet habits ('pooped') of the early Christians. For the final word on this week's paper see Fr M's comments below and/or go to our debate on what makes for a perfect quiz paper - Kieran has added an apologia (that's 'ia' at the end not 'y') for this week's Finger paper, and Gerry has weighed in with some lusty support. Do email me if you wish to contribute and I will add your comments to the special page.
Chatterbox |
Refurbishment at the Red A warning for the coming weeks: we believe the Red Lion will be closed for refurbishment during the last week in March and the first week in April. The Historymen and Ethel Rodin will need to make some alternative arrangements and we will have to fix an alternative pick-up point for the questions. The Fletcher Moss has been suggested as a pick-up point. Anyhow, Gary D is on the case and will advise all concerned shortly.
Mastermind Such is the popularity of our site that researchers from the BBC are calling. I received a message recently inviting anyone interested to apply to appear on the next series of Mastermind (go on Martin have a bash). This was the message:
Seven Sins That Shook The World |