WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 4th February 2004 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
Snoopy's Friends set this week. Scores were on the low side (especially for teams that were short on criminal, botanical, airport and cookery knowledge). Rather than go for themed rounds (explicitly or, as of late, implicitly) the Friends had settled for 8 themes that wove their way in and out of each round (Tony assures me that they were evenly spread so that each contestant got one question from each theme). One of the themes was the occurrence of the colour orange in either question or answer. I guess this balances out the bias towards all things green that the Brains usually exercise. Sadly (as you can see from the results above) there were 2 walkovers. Maybe this had something to do with the fact that there was City-type footie on the box. For once the Blues seemed to have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat rather than their usual trick. We had Ceefax on in the Club and could hardly credit the scores that were rattling up in the second half at White Hart Lane. Across the matches the average aggregate score this week was 61.3. Actual aggregates varied from 69 (Albert/St Caths) to 52 (Finger/Pigs). For more debate and comment on question paper styles go to the perfect quiz paper' page. Do email me if you have some thoughts of your own on this subject that you would like to add to the page. And, as ever, the final word on this week's paper is given by Fr M below. |
The Question of the Week |
Kieran nominated the Alan Turing question (Round 3 Q3) as QOTW but my preference was for the fascinating piece of trivia in Round 8 Q5: Who was the first King of England to speak English? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here.) |
Chatterbox |
Refurbishment at the Red A warning for the coming weeks: we believe the Red Lion will be closed for refurbishment during the last week in March and the first week in April. The Historymen and Ethel Rodin will need to make some alternative arrangements and we will have to fix an alternative pick-up point for the questions. The Fletcher Moss has been suggested as a pick-up point. Anyhow, Gary D is on the case and will advise all concerned shortly.
Approaches from the Beeb Such is the popularity of our site that researchers from the BBC are calling. I received a message recently inviting anyone interested to apply to appear on the next series of Mastermind (go on Martin have a bash). This was the message:
....and did you, like me, get an email from a certain Jayme Saffer at the Beeb? In case not this was the content:
I hope you don't mind your email addresses being picked up like this off the 'Team & Contacts' page from this website. |
Not The Only Fruitcake |
A Chairde,
Fr. Megson was more circumspect.
And Fr. Megson would like a slice of that action as well. |