WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 11th February 2004 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
Albert Park set this week. A real cracker!! High-scoring, explicit themes that gave a sideways angle on general knowledge (rather than trapped the teams in a cul-de-sac of knowledge) and plenty to chat about. Park lead the way this season as setters to have received the most plaudits both for last night's paper and for their pre-Christmas offering. It seems churlish to quibble but.....(Round 5 Q7) isn't rice a crop rather than a vegetable (at least in the 'fruit and vegetable' sense of a vegetable)? And (Round 7 Q2) what about that 'Venus Fly' trap? For more debate and comment on question paper styles go to the 'perfect quiz paper' page. Do email me if you have some thoughts of your own on this subject that you would like to add to the page. The average aggregate score this week was 85.6 which now becomes the highest of the season so far. Actual aggregates varied from 90 (Finger/Snoopy's) to 77 (Brains/Albert). |
The Question of the Week |
This week's 'Question of the Week' award goes to (Round 2 Q3): Why do some football teams in the English football leagues have triangular corner flags instead of square ones? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here.) |
Chatterbox |
Refurbishment at the Red A warning for the coming weeks: we believe the Red Lion will be closed for refurbishment during the last week in March and the first week in April. The Historymen and Ethel Rodin will need to make some alternative arrangements and we will have to fix an alternative pick-up point for the questions. The Fletcher Moss has been suggested as a pick-up point. Anyhow, Gary D is on the case and will advise all concerned shortly.
Approaches from the Beeb Such is the popularity of our site that researchers from the BBC are calling. I received a message recently inviting anyone interested to apply to appear on the next series of Mastermind (go on Martin have a bash). This was the message:
....and did you, like me, get an email from a certain Jayme Saffer at the Beeb? In case not this was the content: I hope you don't mind your email addresses being picked up like this off the 'Team & Contacts' page from this website. |
An Apology |