WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 25th February 2004 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
It's Fingerlickin' time at last!! |
Results & Match Reports |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
Stumped set this week. They served up their usual offbeat mixture with: some very well crafted mugshots of pairs of famous faces melded together on (I suspect) Copland's computer; a crossword round that almost (but not quite) kept a cricket theme running throughout; some explicitly themed rounds on geography, music, indoor pursuits, and sports; and an implicitly themed round on weights and measures. Reaction to the paper seems to have been pretty favourable round the grounds. And let's face it if Stumped have managed to find a formula to defeat the Fingers they must have something special. For more debate and comment on question paper styles go to the 'perfect quiz paper' page. Do email me if you have some thoughts of your own on this subject that you would like to add to the page. And while on this subject a note and a request from John Tolan (Ethel R):
The average aggregate score this week was 68.6. Actual aggregates varied from 64 (Park/History Men) to 75 (Pigs/Brains). |
The Question of the Week |
The 'Question of the Week' award goes to a picture this week (Round 3 Q7):
Of which retiring sort is this a picture? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here.) |
Chatterbox |
Thursdays? You may recall that we had a vote at the end of last season on changing from Wednesday to Thursday evenings as our regular match day. It was a close run thing but Wednesdays just won the vote. Chatting to the teams at the Oak this week there was a feeling that the groundswell for Thursdays has increased and that we need to have another vote. I don't see us changing in mid league season but how about changing to Thursdays as an experiment for the cup matches (especially if there is local interest in the later stages of the European Champions Cup)? Can we use the website as a sounding board for this issue? I'll publish any feedback I get. Feedback 1:
Feedback 2:
Blast from the past Some of you may recall John Holden of blessed Amboss memory. Well he's spotted the website and has written in:
Refurbishment at the Red A warning for the coming weeks: we believe the Red Lion will be closed for refurbishment during the last week in March and the first week in April. The Historymen and Ethel Rodin will need to make some alternative arrangements and we will have to fix an alternative pick-up point for the questions. The Fletcher Moss has been suggested as a pick-up point. Anyhow, Gary D is on the case and will advise all concerned shortly. Football Oddities Here's one for the anoraks.... Who came next in the sequence Don, Johnny, Ronnie, Ron, Ronnie, Ron, Johnny, Ron, Ron and to what is this referring? Answers in a few weeks time.
Of Reeks and Pigs |