WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 17th March 2004 |
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Results & Match Reports |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week's setters were the X-Pats. With a name like that and Wednesday being St Paddy's day the theme was widely anticipated. Every question or answer had either a 'saint' or a 'pat' reference. The intensity of the theme diminished as the paper unfolded. So, in round one we started off with 'Saint Patrick' full on; by the end we were onto 'PAThogenic'. They certainly avoided the trap of getting bogged down in Ireland for 64 questions (sorry Gerry/Ivor). It was happily possible for the setters to stick fairly to General Knowledge questions whilst keeping to the constraints they had set themselves. Reactions were mixed. Some found the theme wearing towards the end, whilst others commented favourably (Ivor, for example, is full of admiration for X-Pats' ingenuity). Kieran was less impressed than he was with their 'Terrorist paper' of last season (which he rates as one of his all time favourites). Roz and Ethel were not best pleased at all, finding too many 'celeb and football' type questions. At the Albert Club we were perfectly happy with the paper - we just didn't know many of the answers. The average aggregate score this week was 62.8 - a bit on the low side but respectable enough nevertheless. Actual aggregates around the games varied from 57 (History Men/Ethel) to 67 (Brains/St Caths). |
The Question of the Week |
Richard Seed, of the resurgent Park, nominated Round 1 Q2 as 'Question of the Week'. At the Albert Club neither team got this one but Tony H (who valiantly stepped in to QM since Jitka and Brian are away in Scotland) said he could have guessed the answer correctly since he had once known a law student from the country concerned who had bright red hair and had been educated (and some suspected fathered) by the Christian Brothers. Oh, and the question was: Of which African country is St Patrick the patron saint? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here.) |
Chatterbox |
Thursdays? You may recall that we had a vote at the end of last season on changing from Wednesday to Thursday evenings as our regular match day. It was a close run thing but Wednesdays just won the vote. Chatting to the teams at the Oak this week there was a feeling that the groundswell for Thursdays has increased and that we need to have another vote. I don't see us changing in mid league season but how about changing to Thursdays as an experiment for the cup matches (especially if there is local interest in the later stages of the European Champions Cup)? Can we use the website as a sounding board for this issue? I'll publish any feedback I get. Feedback 1:
Feedback 2:
Feedback 3:
Feedback 4:
Refurbishment at the Red A warning for the coming weeks: we believe the Red Lion will be closed for refurbishment during the last week in March and the first week in April. The Historymen and Ethel Rodin may need to make some alternative arrangements and we will have to fix an alternative pick-up point for the questions. The Fletcher Moss has been suggested as a pick-up point. Anyhow, Gary D is on the case and will advise all concerned shortly. This just received from X-Pat John Brennand:
In Which Fr. Megson Casts A Dark Shadow Across The Cabinet |