WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 14th April 2004 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week's setters were the History Men. Feedback has been pretty favourable so far. Interesting themes with plenty of points for those in control of their tongue tips. The average aggregate score this week was 76.3. Actual aggregates around the games varied from 74 (Pigs/X-Pats & Ethel/Park) to 81 (St Caths/Finger). |
The Question of the Week |
The Ethel/Park vote for 'Question of the Week' went jointly to (Round 8 Q3 & Q4): Yuppie acronyms: What is a SINBAD (as might be applied to, for example, the fictional Bridget Jones)? & Yuppie acronyms: What is a LOMBARD (as might be applied to many Premier league football players)? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here. |
Chatterbox |
T'Cup Only this week and next week for the league, and then we are straight into the cup competition. To get the basic Cup facts (like who plays whom - and who is setting when) see the fixtures page.
End of Season I have now booked the Albert Club for the evening of Wednesday June 9th to hold our Grand End of Season Quiz and Presentation event. As far as I can tell there are no likely clashing events (like European Cup Finals) so all please get this date in your diaries!!
You may recall that we had a vote at the end of last season on changing from Wednesday to Thursday evenings as our regular match day. It was a close run thing but Wednesdays just won the vote. Chatting to the teams at the Oak a few weeks ago there was a feeling that the groundswell for Thursdays has increased and that we need to have another vote. Can we please use the website as a sounding board for this issue? I'll publish any feedback I get. Feedback 1:
Feedback 2:
Feedback 3:
Feedback 4:
Feedback 5:
Fr. Megson's housekeeper opens the door.....and her heart |