WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 5th May 2004 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
When I put all these results into the computer to work out who plays whom, and who sets next week's paper, I realised that, as is now becoming the tradition, we have got our knickers in a twist. There are 2 conundrums to resolve:
Gary and I have put our heads together and decided that Ethel Rodin's walkover should be regarded as a lower score than the Opsimaths winning 21 and, therefore, that Ethel should play next week in Plate Round 2 as the lowest scoring winners from Plate Round 1. This leaves the Opsimaths (as Highest Scoring Winners) a free week and so they will set the paper next week to relieve the History Men of their double burden. Hope this is all clear!! What this means for the next round of cup/plate matches is shown on the fixture page. |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
The Question of the Week |
What first was achieved by The Pioneer in 1894? (to see the answer to this and all the other questions click here.) |
Chatterbox |
Thursdays et al Over the past few weeks, as we approach our summer break, Opsimaths' post match chit chats have involved some exchange of views on how we run things (as well as the usual 'What shall we call ourselves next year?' argument). I suspect other teams have had similar chats. I think it a good idea if 15/30 minutes at the start of the end of season do at the Albert Club on June 9th are devoted to representatives of each team discussing matters of mutual interest (including the Wednesday/Thursday topic dealt with in the feedback remarks below). The 2 big Opsimath proposals for change are: a) to start the season earlier (say mid September) and thus finish earlier (say early May) and b) to revert to more conventional Cup/Plate competitions which last no more than 4 weeks and allow the teams knocked out in the first round of the Cup a chance to dominate the Plate competition without being swamped by the big guns who get knocked out of the Cup in later rounds. In other words the Plate should be (as far as is possible) exclusively for the lesser teams. Below is the feedback received so far this season in the Wednesday evening/Thursday evening issue: Feedback 1:
Feedback 2:
Feedback 3:
Feedback 4:
Feedback 5:
Quiz Feedback and Wasps |