The Withington Pub Quiz League


28th October 2004


WQ Fixtures, Results & Table

WQ Teams

WQ Archive Comments Question papers

Results & Match Reports

Fifth Finger just beat the History Men in a thriller at the Griffin

Ivor reports in:

A really close game with scores tied for much of the time until FF pull ahead decisively in the last round and all played in a very good spirit.  Would have been a draw if my answer of David Steele and Ian Botham had been accepted!  Still it's so easy to err in a question (and David Steele must be one of the least remembered Sports Personalities) - as I well know since I got Liza Minelli's husband's surname wrong when we set a few weeks ago.  So can't complain too much!  Overall we enjoyed the quiz and with only 5 zero questions just the right difficulty level.  We both got 8 twos and the steals split 4-3 in FF's favour so a really finely balanced cup game.  I hope we're not out after all that.

Whilst Kieran writes:

Good paper and enjoyable night.  No nominated question of the week but moment was definitely when Anne was asked about Middle Wallop.  She debated with herself for a bit and then unwisely conferred with Tim.  He suggested something ludicrous that she knew was not right and she delivered the classic :

"With great respect - bollocks"

Albert also just edged home - leaving it to the last question to beat the Electric Pigs

X-Pats lost by some way to the table-footers - beware the revenge of the Opsimaths is upon us!

FCEK had a comfortable win over Ethel Rodin

Gerry writes from the depths of Ladybarn:

Some of the questions were a bit on the easy side we thought.  Once you get a question beginning: 'Which Romanian dictator?' you know immediately that 99.9% of all the people in the country know only one Romanian dictator so it kind of closes your guessing options.  A bit like asking: 'Which Christian Messiah who was born on Xmas Day in the year 1 AD or possibly in the year 6AD went on to have an Oxbridge college named after him?'

Best moment of last night was when we were asked for the name of Tonto's horse.  Whilst Ethel pondered the many possibilities Roisin looked very excited and confided that she had recently jotted the answer down in her Little Black Book of Good Questions To Ask which she never leaves home without.


we exclaimed in unison

"...and what as a matter of fact is the answer?"

"Oh, it was weeks ago"

said Roisin dismissively,

"you can't expect me to remember such trivia without taking my little black book out of my handbag and I can't do that 'cos that would be cheating."

Now you know why FCEK are well nigh invincible.

.....all of which means that next week:

  •  X-Pats get lumbered for question-setting duties as (narrowly) the Lowest Scoring Losers

  • Opsimaths' get their comeuppance at home against the History Men

  • Albert get a chance for glory against the Fingers

  • and FCEK and Ethel slug it out for a second week running at the Swan.

Quiz Paper Verdict

The paper this week was set by St Caths.  As you can gather from the comments above, the quality was popular and it certainly led to some good matches.

I came to this paper late (since I was unable to play last night).  My first sight was as I prepared it for the website.  It seemed a pretty good paper to me too.  My favourite question I think was Round 5 Question 6 which revealed that gnawing little pomposity that Mastermind perpetuates, calling its hopefuls 'contenders'.  Oh, don't you feel John Humphries is so full of himself (or is it just me that thinks that?).

Oh and I never knew why Perth's Football League side was called St Johnstone until now (Round 8 Question 2).

The Question of the Week

QotW has been nominated by Mary O'Brien of the Albert team.  She went for Round 7 Question 7:

Who sat on a protesting lesbian  during the 6 o’clock news in 1988 and who continued to read the news?

Click here to see the answers to this and the rest of the week's questions and answers.

Pater Megfilius



Hoc semano Withquiz in conjunctione "Osservatore Romano" Davidum Rainfordium  summa cum laude salutat.  Ipse Davidus de facto rex mundi quizzorum cognentia generale et infantus terribilis leaguae tavernorum Didsburiensis et proximis villagiis plus plebian qui recenter multos spondulikos vicit in populario ITV ludo-spectaculo nomine Quis Possessor Millionis Spondulikis Esse Vult.

Davidus Magnus qui frequens imbiber est in populario sed superpricendo hostelio nomine "Leo Rubidus" nunc potest non solum affordare in omnis hipissime vino tavernis et discothequis Mancuniensis Stocportiensisque imbibere sed etiam regulenter procurare crustum grandum servatum cum condimento bisto (gustanter) et sacam patatas fritas devouratum dum ille in domum inebriatus ambulat media in nocte.  Deo gratias tamen positivus est que successio suam personalitatem convivialiam non una iota alterabit.

"Nulla via, Jose",

dixit eloquenter, sedente in suo novo constructato palacio media in Via Palatine - monstrous carbunculus in opinione Camilla nunc regina de facto angliae sed definiter non hiberniae.

"Amabo semper equaliter meos CCL mille spondulikos et meos amicos pauperos qui miserabiliter obligatos in squalore abjecte in saecula saeculorum subsistare....turdum durum, amici....sic transit in Gloria Hunniford!"

Relaxante et sippende pinam coladam duplicatam in sua sauna privata, describat Davidus momentum grandum quando ipse videtur in TV contra  inquisitorem Chris Tarrantum (ex Tiswas quod programmum infantile in decado LXX erat).  Necne ille nervosus erat?

"Ablative absoluter",

responsit Davidus sotto voce familiaro,

"especialiter in prima parte nomine 'Digitus Prontissime Primus'.  Difficile est movere digitum et cerebellum in tandem in studio ITV.  Facile est domo in sofa sed non in studio.  Urgenter in lavatorium visitare desirabam!

"Finalter mihi successum est et Chris me embracevit fortis quale ursus.  Bonum ovum est Chris - meus hero puerile - amabam olim diem saturni ante meridiam quando tempus Tiswas erat.

"Crusta custardi et canis nomine Spit!  Brillianter!!!  Atque amabam observare non solum Tiswas sed etiam Champion, Equus Mirabilis et Torchi Torchi, Puer Batterius.

"A beatus meus perditus juventus - sed odious AC Milano, bastardi.  Sed digresso.  Non iam nervosus media in ludo.  Multi faciles questiones et Chris inquisitor gentilior quam Jitka est.  Non potest conferrare sed potest:

I) Audienciam interrogare

Sed nota bene: non bona idea est hoc attemptare dum ludente in taverno nomine Cygnus  Albus - multo periculo!



Hoc me totaliter confusavit - detesto anagramas

III) Amicum Interrogare Telephonato Problemum unum: ludent mei optimi amici pro squado Parco Alberto qui normaliter in profundis recessis leaguae localae

"Dormit - hoc ergo definiter non bona idea est.  Necesse est ipso solo rubicon transversare noteo gradualiter patternum emergentum in ludo id est omnia correcta responsa cum letteris alpha, beta, gamma vel delta commencare tendit.  Ludum infantum nunc est.

"Estimo tandem que satis spondulikos habeo.  Fatigus sum et incredibiliter non imbibo pintum lageris dum duas horas!!  Dico: 'Finale responsum absoluter Chris.  Ita missa est.  Vale.'

"Tunc, spondulikis securis depositis in valiso sub jimjamis designo Winnie ille Pooh, decideo in domum ambulare.  Non pluvit et ultimum omnibus transnocte de Londineo ad Mancunium multos spondulikos costat.  Nulla via, Jose."

Bonum ovum es, Davide.  Withquiz te salutat in saecula saeculorum.

Pater Megfilius