WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 17th December 2008 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
SPW and the Charabancs march on - Opsimaths creep up to third |
The Results |
History Men furthered the cause of their long climb back with a convincing home win over Albert Getaways kept in touch until the half way mark then slid to defeat at the hands of the Opsimaths
Good news for my Opsimath
colleague, Howell. It seems that his blurt (Round 2
Question 6) about Joerm Utzon may not have been so wrong
after all. Using the power of Google Earth to zoom in
on Sydney Harbour I have uncovered evidence that tends to
corroborate Howell's view that Joerm was indeed the
originator of Denmark's most famous
.....and early on Friday
morning another picture has reached me that just about
clinches it. Howell, your Opsimaths points tally has
been formally increased by 2 points, and your name has been
removed from the annual Opsimaths blurts tally chart.
Electric Pigs and X-Pats fought each other to a standstill in the season's second tied match - Andrew writes:
TMTCH crashed at home to Charabancs of Fire Ethel Rodin lost convincingly at the Swan to league leaders SPW |
The Paper |
This week the paper was
set by the Snoopy's Friends.
Down at the Gateway the
paper heralded a most entertaining evening. The heavy
Christmas influence was to be expected. Sometimes this
led us joyously on (as in the Yuletide quotations of Round 5) -
sometimes it hit the buffers (as in Round 4 which started
with Rudolph's dad and went downhill from there). As
for nominating our favourite question of the evening both
Round 2 Question 3 ("What's unique about Stott Hall Farm?")
and Spares Question 7 ("How is Ellas Otha Bates better
known"?) were fascinating and pitched at just about the
right level - hard but guessable.
At the Swan SPW
(returning form 'Europe' with their tails between their
legs) ran up a comfortable victory - but found the paper
below the high standards set by Snoopy's last year. A
massive 22 questions went unanswered.
At the Red Lion the
History Men and Albert tended towards the SPW view of the
paper. Ivor reports:
"And we thought last
week’s quiz was hard....…
In the corresponding
Snoopy quiz last season Mike O’Brien and I got 8 2s.
Now, despite the festive Christmas themes and 'peace and
goodwill to all mankind' etc., no one expected Tony to
turn up as Santa Claus and hand out aftershave, but this
paper reverted to the stern Snoopy standards of old (there
were 20 unanswerables). Luckily I was QM - and
equally luckily Albert won the toss and batted first.
They copped for two rounds (2 and 5) with a total of 8
unanswerables. The saving grace for Snoopy's, however,
was that many of the questions were pretty interesting.
Our nomination for QotW is the one asking which of the
reindeer was Rudolph's father (Ed: Ivor - You must be
The Xmas peculiarities
of other nations (Round 4) caused some bemusement.
Who would have thought Kwanzaa (a holiday period from 26th
December to 1st January I’ve never heard of, that sounds
like it was devised by British Leyland shop stewards)
originated in Protestant work ethic America?
And our wrong answer of
the week? The present left by Swedes to please Santa
(we thought it was a vibrator). The correct answer
was even more implausible. If I was Santa I wouldn’t
leave Swedish children any presents if all they left out
was a bowl of rice pudding. Surely aquavits and
reindeer meat balls would be required to fortify for
Santa's trek round the world (at a speed even greater than
the Post Office's staggering 4 miles an hour)?"
From the TMTCH/Charabancs
match Damian comments:
"We didn't find
the paper quite as obscure as some of Snoopy's previous
efforts. The Christmas themes were fairly
straightforward and the quotations were (nearly) always
guessable. It is true to say that none of us are
that well acquainted with Swedish festive rituals,
but, on the whole, a good way to enter the Christmas
quiz break." Now all the results and comments are in it does seem that scoring-wise the Getaways/Opsimaths match was the exception. Elsewhere the scores were very low dragging the evening's Average Aggregate down even further than last week to 56.4. By some way this is the lowest for a league Wednesday this season. |
The Question of the Week |
Opsimath Howell gets the vote this week and he plumps for Round 5 Question 2:
For the answer to this and all the week's questions click here. |
Chatterbox |
Just to wish everybody a great Christmas - and if you're doing nothing on Monday December 29th then get on down to the Albert Club (8pm for an 8.30 start) where there's a special Christmas edition of the regular monthly quiz. Extra prizes and no end of themes!! |
Merry Christmas
to everyone from The Charabancs of Fire |
A Chairde, Aficionadoes of our Blockbusters quiz will be able to identify this painting as Hunters in the Snow. Maybe it didn't get the QotW award but nevertheless it's good enough to frame. Fr Megson