WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 26th October 2016 |
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The Charas start their winning
Victories for all the 100%ers: The
Opsis, The Shrimps and The Dunkers |
The Results |
"After a very close match in which the two teams were rarely separated by more than a point or two - and in which the lead changed hands several times - we just scraped home. We had a most enjoyable evening with the Prodigals who we always look forward to meeting! When it came to the last question we were one point behind and I risked going for a two on my question (the last of the quiz). I got it right. I'm not sure my team would have forgiven me if I'd messed up and got it wrong!"
Albert lost to Dunkin' Dönitz in a key match that leaves the Dunkers undefeated (but then again City won ten on the trot and look what's happened to them). Mike O'Brien gives a loser's view.... "We were well beaten tonight. Mind you we would have scored a lot higher if the actions of our QM, Stephen, had matched our answers. He has a habit of nodding his head in agreement when you are answering before telling you that you are wrong. We will be happy to lend him out to any other team who wishes to have this unforgettable experience of infinitely delayed gratification." ...and Kieran a winner's perspective.... "A Fletcher Moss, abnormally filled such that our hosts had to ask fellow-drinkers to relocate to make room for us, and with punters increasingly detached from reality (courtesy of Mr. Hyde's finest) loudly proclaiming that something important had occurred at The Swamp this evening. It hadn't. No
matter. Once settled down we won the toss and,
having digested that there were three paired rounds
and a hidden theme in the first half, obviously
elected to go second. This had to be a huge
advantage and
The History Men beat The Men They Couldn't Hang in a gruelling contest at the Red. Ivor reports.... "There is no such thing as an easy match in our league these days. We would have been a 'home win' on a Pools Panel Committee decision tonight - but TMTCH never go down without a fight and it was only half way through Round 6 that we managed to pass them. As is often the case the harder papers can keep the tension going as they require a greater amount of concentrated fact-dredging."
Well worth waiting for....The Charabancs of Fire beat The Electric Pigs decisively at The Turnpike to notch up the first victory in their famous 2016/17 surge to the league title. As yet I have no report from Damian but I'm fairly sure one will emerge once he's rediscovered the appropriate adjectives to accompany a winning report.....and indeed he now has. Here without further ado is the initial victorious match report of the 2016/17 campaign from Damian....
"Yes, the Charas' losing juggernaut was brought to a
shuddering halt tonight (and in the comfort of the
Turnpike lounge too after being relegated to the
vault on our 2 previous appearances at our home
venue). No matter that our winning score was
less than some of our previous weeks' losing scores.
Father M's triumphant return from his successful
soul-searching foray into the Caledonian wilderness
last week proved infectious enough to make us draw a
line in the sand and firmly declare, 'NOBODY beats
the Charas FIVE times in a row!'
Contrary to the widespread rumours, we DO have our
pride and Chara Roisin was sufficiently moved by the
occasion to dig out out her well-worn copy of the
fixtures and defiantly inscribe a large tick next to
our name for tonight's event (she's long since lost
interest in plonking down endless crosses).
Fortunately, Chara John actually had enough money to
buy the traditional round for our gallant opponents,
a fine tradition that we Charas had somehow got out
of the habit of
The Bards of Didsbury succumbed to The Opsimaths in a high-scoring match at the Cricket Club. The Bards were on good form but absolutely everything fell right for the visitors - whether by virtue of dredged up half-forgotten knowledge or good luck. Typical was the 'last' question to come Nick's way. "Never heard of EC Bentley but I remember a book of my parents called Trent's Last Case. Could it be?" - and of course it was. Clare was no less impressive with her encyclopaedic recollection of Shakespearean quotes, and who but Welshman Howell would get the Radnor/Powys question. The best I could do was nail the composer of Hiawatha's Wedding Feast - though according to Howell I did manage to invent a new style of blurt, the 'Question Blurt'. When asked to name the missing Patriarch of the early church in Round 5 I called for Eric to repeat the list of cities in the question saying: "The Patriarchs of Antioch and which other ancient cities?" Of course Antioch was the one missing from the list. Kindly Eric and the Bards let me get my 2 points. "The Bards will win plenty of matches in due course - especially when Steve returns (which Tony says will be soon) but tonight was just not their gig. The whole evening was summed up by Sarah's lament that having devoted much of her life to worshipping Aztec Camera the question about them fell to the Opsimaths. And of course let's not forget the contribution of QM extraordinaire, Eric, whose accent fooled us all when announcing that the round themed on apples was to be followed by a round of pairs. |
The Paper |
This week's paper was set by
Ethel Rodin.
Perhaps not as easy as some of the recent papers but by no means a 'toughie'
with a perfectly I tend to look forward to Ethel's papers these days rather like a school examination - full of things you jolly well ought to know even though the student's range of interests is usually a whole lot different from the examiner's. So precious little popular culture but a good dose of art and high-end stuff (like art movements and Shakespeare). At the Cricket Club my overriding feeling was of having emerged with great credit after a tough going-over. What better to bolster our self-esteem? What's more we managed to finish comfortably before the 10.30pm watershed. Other feedback? Ivor.... "All teams have their styles and, even if the name of the setters was not on the top, everyone would know this was an Ethel paper. We may think we have a grasp of classical music or crime novels or art movements but Ethel seem to mine their questions from rarely explored veins - though to be fair there were some golden nuggets (but perhaps not the question about the Landrover Discovery!). We quite enjoyed the quirky Pot pourri round, and after having three 'pairs' rounds, to have an 'apple' round." Kieran....
But I ask you! A cloned cat with the initials 'CC' is quite clearly 'Copy Cat' rather than the dull, plodding 'Carbon Copy' - and as for baseball does anyone really give a flying one? Look to Chittagong a few days back for a proper game." Damian.... "For once, tonight's paper from Ethel and co. managed to play to our traditional strengths (they may seem increasingly elusive these days but they are still there) and so, under Ethel Roddy's encouraging gaze, we led marginally in every round until finally opening up a gap in the second half that, for once, we managed not to relinquish. Fingers crossed we've finally got back to doing what we used to do fairly routinely....winning quizzes. Our Quirky Question Of The Week? The initials CC for the world's first cloned cat. After much deliberation with the team, I decided that the answer must of course be 'Copy Cat' and, encouraged by my team mates, triumphantly shouted it out to our patient QM Jane only to be met with a sympathetic glance and the correct answer, 'Carbon Copy'. I stubbornly maintain that my answer should have been the correct one!" Anne-Marie.... "Good quiz. A few controversial questions but overall well-balanced and enjoyable." Mike O'B.... "The paper was fair enough we just couldn't answer it. Our favourite round was Round 8. The theme fittingly provided the Last Rites for our chances of winning." and finally Rachael.... "The paper was interesting and wide-ranging but some of the questions caused quite a lot of lively debate. The first baseball question in particular caused controversy and ended up being scrapped since neither team got close enough to the answer on the paper." |
Question of the Week |
Opsimath Nick took a flying punt at Round 6 Question 1 and got it right - so this gets his vote:
For the answer to this and all the week's questions click here
Fr Megson: Carry on Kampfing |
Naturally TalkQuiz Radio - Britain's only radio station to talk quizzing "every fcekin minute of every fcekin day" - were keen to talk to the victorious prelate after the game. Sadly however so was Slipper of the Yard who had earlier slipped into the Turnpike heavily disguised as a book club. "Nothing to worry about, Sir, just a few routine questions about the Defence of the Realm act. We need not detain you more than 25 years or so." As he was being bundled away TalkQuiz - "every fcekin minute of every fcekin day" - managed to grab an incoherent word with Roisin, doyenne of South Manchester quizzing for more years than she cares to (or is capable of) remembering. "So how did it feel to be on the winning team tonight after all those years of heartbreak?" "Did we win? Brilliant! Is it over then? Thank God for that.......sorry I was busy flossing my toes when it happened so I didn't hear the final whistle. Brilliant! This is the best day of my life, apart from last Friday, of course.....or was it Sunday?.........can't remember.....It's a bit too early to take it all in yet. Maybe I will be over the moon when I wake up in a day or two.....or under the bed, maybe.........who can tell where they'll be in a day or two, you'd need a crystal ball for that sort of stuff......or tea bags might do the trick if you could read them and were desperate. Which I'm not of course. Just a bit tired. Tired and plum-tuckered 'cause we won tonight. Are you sure we won.?.... I tried to listen but I kept getting distracted...... Who was that annoying woman who was sat in the middle?.....she kept talking to me as if she knew me and kept asking me daft questions. I hate when that happens when I am trying to listen to a quiz......So we won eh? Fine and dandy - just what the doctor ordered. And speaking of orders, what's everyone having? I'll have a pint of lager please.....no I won't, I don't think I could manage a pint.....I think I'm starting to well up inside. God no, a pint would be a big mistake at this juncture in time.....just get me three halves please.....and a wee bag of pork scratchings." Another chance to see the Charabancs tomorrow at the civic reception in Ladybarn Job Centre at 2pm. Don't forget to line the route as the team makes it's triumphant progress along Ladybarn Lane aloft a topless charabanc........sorry Damian, get your shirt off, you drew the short straw! |