WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 16th November 2016 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Q: Which team hasn't won a match this season? A: NONE! - both TMTCH and The Bards chalk up their first victories of the campaign; elsewhere the Dunkers and the Shrimps continue undefeated |
The Results |
"Good quiz, most enjoyable. We didn't get the rub of the green but that's WithQuiz. In the end we were beaten by the better team."
Compulsory Mantis Shrimp maintained their perfect start to the season beating The Electric Pigs at the Turnpike. Rachael writes.... "A very pleasant evening at the Turnpike with The Electric Pigs as worthy opponents. We eventually finished the night four points ahead after going into the lead in Round One. Despite keeping that lead throughout our opponents were never more than a few points behind. A close encounter!"
Albert beat Ethel Rodin at the Fletcher Moss. Mike O'B chips in.... "In the end the evening's result was really decided by Round 5 which was better for us than Ethel. All the other rounds were very close."
At the Red the
History Men lost to Dunkin' Dönitz who manage
to keep their 100% record for the season intact.
First Kieran Trump-ets the Dunkers' "Historywoman Anne cried off at half time assuring us that it was not our offensive company that was the cause but rather that she was suffering from a pre-existing flu condition. Simon couldn't quite see Aladdin's through the front window of the Red but like most of the quiz league (I assume) he's eaten there frequently so had no problem registering yet another two. Tonight he was standing in for David who has just texted me to say he had a splendid evening in the company of Joan As Police Woman so everyone is happy - and our super-sub has now filled that role for each of the other four of us with great success. Maybe we should admit now to being a five man team. There you are an entire match report with only one passing reference to the subhuman, swivel-eyed, species-demeaning, piece of s**t about to take power across the pond. See - I'm over it already." ....and with no reference at all to anything outside this little offshore European archipelago Ivor serenades defeat....
"There was to be no repeat of our famous 15 point
victory in the corresponding fixture last year. We
had two Annes in our team tonight; this game saw the
reappearance of little Anne deputising for the
absent Tim. He is in Bhutan (he does go on exotic
holidays, spending his children’s inheritance). But
unfortunately the other Anne became our first player
to have to retire hurt at half time with a rather
alarming flu-like illness (as a microbiologist you
can imagine my alarm at being downwind from a
potential virion cloud). Get well soon, Anne - we
know you will not wish to miss next week’s
And so to the clash of the cellarmen
in which - at last -
Men They Couldn't Hang shook off their jinx and
beat The Charabancs of Fire. Ably QMed by the
redoubtable Gilly, and observed by myself, this was
a game of considerable quizzing expertise with good
strong scoring on both sides. It is quite
wrong to think of our league as a few superstar
teams at the top, a clutch of middle-rankers and a
scrabbling bunch of no-hopers at the foot of the
table (like the Premiership maybe). There is
precious little difference between the teams top to
bottom. Perhaps the greatest difference is
that the confidence to go for a 'two' is greater in
the top teams than in the others. Certainly
there were a few occasions this evening when players
conferred even though the original thoughts of the
player asked the question were spot on. So it
is not knowledge that marks out the good quizzer but
the confidence to flaunt that knowledge in public -
The Men seem now to have a squad of
some strength and talent exhibited by their ability
to substitute one good player for another star
performer at half time. Across the evening
Dave and Graham for the Men were on sparkling form
with 4 twos apiece. For the Charas John shone,
also gaining 4 twos.
The evening was one of great merriment all round.
My own highlight was Graham's attempt at the Samuel
Pepys' bedtime bon mot as: "Can anyone smell
burning?". The golfing pair in Round 6
provided a good deal of mirth when the Men claimed
that the South Korean and Japanese holes in question
both required the golfer to hit the ball over the
ocean to reach the hole from the tee. Waves of
speculation about tees in Spain with their
corresponding holes in Florida.
So what did the victorious Graham make of
"At Last! The Hangers register the deux points
for the season. Il Capitano Dave can stay in
the 'Jamie Vardy' mannequin pose no longer.
Fine opponents as they were the Charas could not
stand up to the substitutions played by our
venerable captain, or the new 3-4-2-1 system that
flummoxed our opponents. Geigenpressing is
obviously the answer - or just saying 'play safe'."
On the way home from the Parrswood in
the company of John and Damian three elderly
quizzers chatted about things WithQuizzical.
Although it is often covered up by humour Damian and
his Chara colleagues are bothered about their slip
from the top of the table over recent years.
Damian puts it down to the fact that the papers have
got harder. John and I were more inclined to
feel that our power of recall had declined alongside
a general slowing down of our mental processes.
One thing we all agreed on was that gaining and
keeping new team members was a crucial factor in the
success of teams - and indeed of the whole WithQuiz
enterprise. In this respect the Charas haven't
prospered. Sadly the most affable,
good-hearted bunch of quizzers of all seem to be the
only WithQuiz team without a new recruit for the
past 5 years. That really doesn't make sense. |
The Paper |
This week the paper set by The Opsimaths notched up a very respectable average aggregate score of 80.6 points with only 4/5 unanswerable questions reported from around the grounds. Full credit should go, yet again, to Brian who is now well-established as the Opsimaths' 'go to setter'. Although checked out by the rest of the team all the original work in the paper was Brian's. These were your comments.....
"The kind of quiz we have come to expect from seasoned setters and serial winners, the Opsimaths. Accessible questions, serious points on offer, no mistakes and a paper crafted to be done and dusted in little more than 80 minutes. In other words just what Wednesday evenings should be. My one gripe is that of the mere four unanswereds, which broke 2 each, I was the Jonah receiving both of ours. But that's a very individual take on what was a good evening, not least because we maintained our 100% record at a venue where we got slaughtered last season. Question of the week was undoubtedly the yacht clubs playing beach cricket in the Solent." ....then Ivor.... "A very good offering from the Opsimaths tonight and the quiz moved at a cracking pace. Very few unanswereds (only four and Kieran got two of them) and most of these were in the 'Strange Sports' round. Who would have thought that many of these 'sports' are associated with public houses during long bank holidays - and we pub quizzers with our innocent harmless hobby are thought odd! QotW was a toss-up (maybe an unfortunate description) between the amateur porn film festival and the yachting club cricketers." ....and Rachael.... "We all greatly enjoyed the paper, lots of interesting and entertaining questions and very few unanswerables. Thanks to Richard's excellent QMing skills we got through at quite a pace and were done by 10pm." ....and Mike O'B.... "For some reason the question about the cheesy-toed ungulates (to which I did not know the answer) brought the Charabancs into my mind; but the notion soon slid away into the fog of ignorance. This was an enjoyable quiz. We particularly liked the unusual sports round. I suppose to call A Clockwork Orange a crime novel is like describing The Maltese Falcon as a guide to The Antiques Roadshow. The score suggests that this was a fair, balanced quiz - and that is all we can ask for. Are there any Black Plaques in Manchester?" Finally a plea from Gilly and all those at the Parrswood: "Less prose please!". There was an awful lot to read out in the evening's paper and not all of it was essential to getting to the answers. Interesting side facts can be entertaining but this took that indulgence a bit too far. |
Question of the Week |
For the answer to this and all the week's questions click here. |
....and also |
Question papers Just a gentle reminder.... Could all setters please remember to email me the electronic version of their paper as soon as possible after the week's quiz is finished on a Wednesday? As you know I get the paper up onto the website during Thursday. If I have to scan and OCR the paper from a paper version it takes quite a while and usually introduces more errors. Many thanks. MIKE |