WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 30th November 2016 |
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The Dunkers win again in a very tight finish to keep their 100% record intact |
The Results |
"We were three-handed tonight and our first target was not to lose by more than ten points; so we feel we had a successful match - just. We certainly missed young David’s encyclopaedic knowledge of world capitals and county flags. Astonishingly we were in the lead until the last question of the first half so we had the satisfaction of knowing that we might have given Ethel a scare. Sadly natural order was restored in the second half as the usual phenomenon of 'the questions we knew going to the opposition, and those about which we hadn't an earthly coming to us' occurred yet again."
The Prodigals beat The Charabancs of Fire by a 9-point margin in the back lounge of the Albert Club. Valiantly Damian reports from the losers' enclosure.... "With Jane on the team (substituting for the absent John who apparently prefers Cheltenham to Withington at this time of the year), the Charas attempted to take on the might of the Prodigals, replete with Egghead Dave. Inevitably the Charas came up short and Yours Truly can't help but wonder if he made a mistake when he tapped Dave on the shoulder (while collecting the quiz questions in the Red Lion) to remind him that his team were quizzing tonight. Maybe it would have boded better for our chances if I'd left him to watch his beloved Man U in peace. It did seem ominous that, after being 1-0 up for 20 odd minutes, West Ham promptly equalised at the very same moment Dave arrived at the Club! I wonder if I got his back up somehow?
This was a fairly close encounter for
the most part - but yet again the Charas suffered
from a chronic
Compulsory Mantis Shrimp lost for the second time in two weeks - this time to the Albert team at The Fletcher Moss. Mike O'B sums up.... "Hah! their apple-cheeked youthful vigour was no match for our wizened, whining, cronery. The delights of Wilfred PIckles in Have a Go - all that effort for six pounds, five and eight pence at the end of the evening. Oh how it kept our spirits up in the age of austerity! Who can forget We're a Couple of Diabetic-Footed Swells? That'll teach them to be so young and intelligent. This match was really decided in Round 3 when we scored 9 and Mantis failed to score. They never recovered from that."
Dunkin' Dönitz beat The Opsimaths
in a tensely fought match at The Griffin.
Bob was, as ever, imperious yet
unfailingly affable in the QM role and Andrew
spectated as a quietly satisfied setter. The
rest of the room gradually emptied unable to take
the tension ("....trying to get away from the bloody
football on the telly in every other part of the pub
for a quiet evening's chatter, only to run into a
sodding quiz match!" was one comment overheard).
This was an epic encounter. The
first half saw the visitors surge into a comfortable
lead (7 points at one stage) only for the home team
to claw back onto level pegging by the start of
Round 8. By the final pair the Dunkers were 2
points ahead and they kept this margin with both
teams getting conferred one point answers. So
the home team remain undefeated and, with the
Shrimps losing against Albert, gain a four point
advantage over their nearest challengers.
I've been quizzing in these parts for
the over 30 years and have enjoyed dozens of
thrilling matches against Kieran, Barry, Martin and
David (and a few of their predecessors).
There's always a frisson of tension when you play
the super-competitive Dunkers but never less than
warm friendship once the final whistle is blown.
This year I sense an even greater keenness to wrest
back the league crown having only won it once in the
past six years after their 13 year dominance was
brought to a
Well, of course, that's just my opinion. What
did the home captain have to say? Over to you
"For the second week running The
Griffin was filled by football fans, a result of
having a screen in four of the five rooms. This
week though we managed to find space in the middle
room at the back, the only one without a TV and,
somewhat squashed together on two small tables we
prepared for battle.
And what a battle! Your Johnny-come-lately
PSGs and Monacos, Chelseas and RasenBallsport
Leipzigs (check the Bundesliga table) are all very
well but this, and it sticks in my craw to say it,
was Liverpool v United - as it always is. Two
serial winning teams, going for every possible point
and aware of the effect the result would have at the
top of the table - but most of all just desperate to
get the win in the first head-to-head of the season. And
reader we did! I looked back at the results of our
matches against the Opsis since their famed 'Tooting
Bec one point' win in January 2011 and, before
tonight, the record was 7-6 in their favour - many
of those games decided by one or two points.
So we've evened it up, and again by just two points
with the result still in doubt right up to the last
So as
Kate Bush demonstrates that one should never take
one's idol's shoes off and throw them in the lake as
you will discover that the object of your worship
has feet of clay, we can console ourselves with the
knowledge that we have made our best start to a
season in seven years. And Elton most
definitely isn't playing the inauguration!
Could almost make one sanguine about the rest of the
crap going on all around while we indulge ourselves
with our Wednesday evening trivia. Oh
what a night (late November back in 2016)!" |
The Paper |
First the numbers. An average aggregate of 73.4 - almost exactly the same as the season's overall average aggregate to-date (74.0). So no grounds for complaint there. In our match there was merely a single unanswered question and a massive 25 two-pointers. Excellent! The subjects covered, and the format of the rounds, were as diverse as could have been wished - so full marks on this count. Away from The Griffin the Pigs' paper was also pretty popular - except for The Parrs Wood Hotel where Graham and co. were 'uninspired'.
After the match Andrew told us that there had been the possibility of a whole round on motorways until the Pigs' editorial meeting had ruled it out. Hooray to that was the consensus amongst the Opsis and the Dunkers. A whole round on a single narrow subject is always a no-no. But I must say having spent an average of 15 hours a week during a large portion of my working life on the UK road system I would welcome more road questions. Why are trains and boats and planes sexy, whilst road transport a subject that always raises a groan? In a season not yet half done yet packed with splendid papers what did the rest of you think about the Pigs' offering? Kieran.... "Huge congratulations to the Pigs for setting a paper that we hated at first and then grew to love more and more as the subjects which played to our strengths came to the forefront in the second half. Plaudits too for censoring the mad idea of an entire round on motorways and reducing it to a, still mostly indigestible, pair of questions. Barry may have something to say about the surviving pair on the message board. Only one unanswered question, which fell to the Opsis. In a match as close as this these things matter! But I don't think either side could complain with an aggregate score of 88 and 25 twos between us." Mike O'B.... "The quiz was well-balanced with very few unanswerables. The aggregate score suggests it was well up to the standard already set for this season."
"By and large, we enjoyed the fare served up by the Piggies tonight. The themes were guessable and I counted only 7 unanswerables which fell more or less evenly between the 2 teams. We liked the idea of the Manchester Grammar School old boys theme even if that didn't necessarily help us in guessing the answers. Always nice to have a Manchester connection in a South Manchester-based quiz, I guess!" Ivor.... "The unannounced connections of tennis players, cathedrals and named days proved fiendish at least until the last questions of the respective rounds (and sometimes not even then). Had even tennis players been an announced theme I know I would have struggled. Is it a sign of age that the top 10 from 1980 are more memorable than the present day millionaires?" James.... "It was a good quiz and the hidden themes were well hidden. There was one question that didn't really stand up to scrutiny. One wonders how drivers to Holyhead might feel when they take the motorway and find themselves in Exeter." and Graham.... "De Doo Doo Dah is all I want to say to you. The Pigs neverending quiz didn't inspire us. Gilly did a fantastic job getting us all through the mire - but really? Even Greg at the Albert wouldn't have given us the Violet Carson/Have A Go question (though Tony was in there following the failure of my ' 'Whistle Whilst You Work' answer..)." |
Question of the Week |
This week I'm choosing one of the questions that came my way (Round 3 Question 8). Naturally as the question was read I wrote down the initial letters M-I-H-A-L-C-O-C. Had I copied the full phrase I might have got it. It crossed to the Dunkers and Maths teacher, Martin, slam-dunked for a bonus point. Here it is:
For the answer to this and all the week's questions click here. |