WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 14th December 2016 |
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The Dunkers keep their 100%
record whilst the Shrimps and the Opsimaths both
The Charas start their post
Christmas surge a tad early |
The Results |
"A happy evening, for us at least, when teamwork and inspired guesses overcame our slow start. Dennis The Menace's insect sister was completely unknown to us but we still scored a point, and the Derby-winning Oath a vague idea which we would never have got anywhere near without the theme. Nobel laureate Chain, Father Noel Furlong and Rhod Gilbert all contributed for us purely because we remembered imperial measurements from the backs of our pre-metric exercise books. Martin's love of crap seventies sitcoms, especially those featuring Hylda Baker, was invaluable. A couple of weeks ago Bob, who was wearing a niche market Peruvian cap tonight (the man has an endless supply of intriguing headgear), told Mike that he thought we'd become much better at seizing opportunity when the tide turned in our favour and closing games out. That was certainly the case tonight. We were five points behind at half time and barely hanging on to the Shrimp's tails. And then inspired teamwork kicked in; Barry stopped worrying about what was going on at Selhurst Park courtesy of Ibra and David, and I similarly relaxed thanks to the apogee of god's best creative period embodied in David Silva. We scored 17 points in rounds six and seven to our opponent's 6 and coasted home in the final Bingo pot luck offering without any mishaps. The Shrimps are some team this season though, and we couldn't relax until the win was mathematically certain, i.e. when I was able to tell Martin that we only needed one point to win thus forcing him to confer on a question he would have routinely put away for a two. And so this is Christmas and what have we done?
Well we've won ten from ten. It's a long time
since we've started a season in this sort of form.
We won the first eleven before 'Tooting Becgate' Bob's visiting Swinton over the holidays. I can't wait to see what terrorist-inspired titfer he picks up and is sporting when we meet again in January. A very merry Christmas, And a happy New Year, Let's hope it's a good one, Without any fear."
The Men They Couldn't Hang lost at The Parrs Wood Hotel to The Electric Pigs to end the first half of a season in which they have looked well able to win on many a Wednesday but only managed to actually pocket The Charas. Here's hoping for a new year that sees them clock up a few more victories. Meanwhile the Pigs started excellently back in the autumn but have slipped and slithered ever since. For them a victory was welcome respite. Graham gives us a flavour of the evening....
"And yet another defeat for the
Hangers ...but what an entertaining evening we had
(occasionally drowned out by some Red team winning
at the Palace
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!"
The Charabancs of Fire enjoyed their usual good first half and then - bugger me - quite a passable second half to beat The Opsimaths at The Turnpike by a whisker. This was a quiz paper avowedly and unashamedly set by old people for the benefit of even older people (I know because the paper's editor and setter-in-chief, Ivor, was QMing for us and he said as much when he introduced his work). In the event the very old at heart just squeaked home by the merest sliver of a winter fuel allowance against the quite old. Both teams feared for the plight of the young Shrimps in their battle against the crusty old men of the Griffin. No affordable homes to live in, no jobs worth the name, bus and tram journeys they have to pay for - and now we shaft them with questions about Hylda Baker and imperial measurements! And to rub salt into the wound Wilfred Pickles made his second appearance at the table in just three weeks! All I can say is I hope the Shrimps get potted this Christmas and forgive the cruelty inflicted on them by the elderly. Rachael, this website will fastidiously offer 'no comment' if you wreak your vengeance on January 18th with a cascade of questions about bands of the last 5 years who just managed to get to number 40 in the download charts. In truth, although it always hurts to lose (especially when the Dunkers win), it was good to see the spirits of the Charas prick up. They are a great team that has graced this league for more years than I care to recall and their recent slump in form seems unwarranted for such a well read and intelligent crew.
After the match we fell to debating all sorts.
One topic that Enough of my thoughts - what did a gobsmacked Damian have to say... "Yes, the struggling Charas managed to overcome the mighty Opsimaths in a close-run, down-to-the-wire contest at the Turnpike in the last match of the pre-Christmas season. What better way to approach the coming festivities than to finally break our long streak of sometimes sub-par, but often unlucky, losses - and we couldn't have picked a nicer and more impressive team to break it against! It was all we could do to persuade Father Meggers not to discard his soutane, climb up onto the table, kick all the beer glasses away and dance a jig (but, as Old Ironhorse once put it when scraping a win against some French fella, 'It was a damned, close thing!'). Thanks for that early Christmas present Mike, Brian, Hilary and Nick! Have yourselves a merry little Christmas and see you all in 2017!"
Albert beat the luckless Bards of Didsbury. The Bards have suffered the cruellest reversal of form of recent years following their 'sweeping everything before us' triumphs of last season. Perhaps the reversal will reverse itself in 2017? The victorious Mike O'B sends these gnomic reflections from The Fletcher Moss....
Wilfred Pickles raised his antediluvian head again last night. Our boy Ashton has become besotted with Have A Go and has been researching the programme. His excitement at the idea that a contestant can win a pair of scissors along with seven pounds three and tuppence matches that of the original winner. I also have to report that I was assaulted by one of my own team during the match for suggesting that the person concerned resembled Pat Butcher. I am considering legal action."
At The Albert Club The Prodigals
ended the year on a high beating Ethel Rodin in a
mid-table skirmish. Ethel's James was
there and reflects on a personal first....
"I first heard about the WithQuiz
league from Dave Rainford many years ago when I
regularly played in a team in the Old House At
Home's Thursday night pub quiz (this was before the
giddy heights of WWTBAM and Eggheads
snuck Dave away). We won relatively often and
built up a good rapport (mainly based on cider) with
the engaging QM who rarely required a microphone.
So... a couple of years later I ended
up as a substitute for Lloyd Powell (now my
father-in-law) in the Ethel Rodin squad - and have
stayed ever since. As Dave no longer requires
an income from the QM fees paid by South Manchester
pubs, our meetings and associated political
discussions have been limited to our Withington quiz
league encounters. A statistic I have been
holding close to my chest, is that in the
intervening 8 years, we have never lost to Mr
Rainford's team. Until tonight."
The Paper |
An average aggregate (74.8) just a shade above the season's overall average to date marks a paper that seems to have had just the right degree of difficulty/easiness. As ever with History Men offerings it was far-ranging and diverse in its content, and not a little owlish. Ivor and co. have a welcome appetite for the 'Ho! Ho!' type of question (wholly appropriate at this time of year) and this was in evidence again this time round. I know this for a fact because Ivor was our QM and he ho-hoed when each of these questions came up - the golfing pair being the most obvious example. I gather the Sunday Telegraph recently carried a humorous list of lesser known golfing terms though I did wonder whether Ivor had made them up from scratch along the 'if this were a fact wouldn't it make an amusing question' principle. The second of these golfing term questions ('an Arthur Scargill') had a rather feeble answer ('Good strike but poor result'). Much better was the pearl offered up as an answer by Brian: 'Hitting a child on the head with a lofted golfball' i.e. a minor's strike. In general quiz papers are made up of questions which have a variety of motives behind them....
The History Men's paper was a good mix of all the above (apart from perhaps the first). In our match there were 8 unanswered questions which broke 4-4 between the two teams - so that's fine. Ivor (who was doing his usual statification as well asking the questions) announced that Damian and I were joint MVPs with 4 twos apiece - so that's fine too. All in all a very pleasant evening's quizzing at The Turnpike to end the first half of a most enjoyable season (so far at least!). Feedback from other matches was as follows.... From Kieran.... "The match was over by 10.10pm and, with only five unanswered questions and an aggregate of 79, The Historymen can be proud of their contribution to the evening. Inevitably the 'Half Man Half Biscuit question' fell to Rachael with four Dunkers desperately hoping for an unlikely pass over. We only gave away four of those all evening against the eight that we pocketed when they came our way. That had a lot to do with our win." From James.... "Lots of really good questions but an odd balance, with the majority of the rounds being dramatically one-sided. Ethel won rounds with scores of 7-2, 8-2 and 6-3 - but alas the Prodigals won rounds with scores of 9-4, 9-1 and 8-2. It would probably have been similarly unbalanced had we lost the toss - but the Prods are a solid team and well deserved their win." From Anne-Marie....
"It was agreed that the Prodigals, by going first,
got the rub of the green." From Damian.... "Tonight's quiz, set by the venerable Historymen, was full of old-style questions as was unashamedly acknowledged by visiting QM, Old Ivor himself. It was admirably tailored to suit the tastes of a bunch of old quizzers some of whom are apparently only a few days away from entering their EIGHTH decade. Is that right, Mike? I guess it wouldn't have necessarily suited the tastes of some of the young guns WithQuizzing these days but, what the heck, us oldies have rights too and, let's face it, practically everything happened before most of 'em were born anyway! So there! Question of the Week: Although no particular fans of golfing questions, the Charas couldn't help but like the one about what is known in golfing parlance as 'doing an Adolf Hitler'? Answer of the Week: Has to be Opsi Brian's response to the other golfing parlance question about 'doing an Arthur Scargill'. He said it probably meant striking a minor! Of course, it wasn't the correct answer, but it should have been!" |
Question of the Week |
For the answer to this and all the week's questions click here. |
.....and also |
In case you didn't catch the late edition of last
week's QuizBiz here's Andrew at
the Manchester City Council Labour Group's
Christmas party living up to the comments made by
Kieran in his report on the Dunkers v Pigs encounter.
Apparently Andrew's rendition of the Elvis classic
The Wonder of You added plenty of Momentum to
what was a fairly middle-of-the -road affair!