WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 28th September 2017 |
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Welcome to the 40th season of the Withington and District Quiz League (WithQuiz)
.....which kicks off with a
decisive victory by The Stockport League over WithQuiz in the annual WIST Cup friendly challenge
The Results - WIST Pre-season Friendly Challenge |
By the end of the Stockport format
questions (Rounds 1 and 2) Stockport had a 9 point
lead and, despite a late rally by WithQuiz in the
final round (won 6-1) Stockport kept their lead
intact running out winners 60 to 51.
We only managed to field a team of 5 (Nick, Damian,
Mike H, James and Tony) in this 6-a-side match
The atmosphere was - as the match title suggests -
very friendly with plenty of sportsmanship
(particularly when, as QM, I blurted the answer to
one of the questions before offering it to Stockport
for a bonus; the Stockport team admitted they
wouldn't have known and let the QM error pass).
Suitably the Round 1 Stockport plaque question (Q11)
went to the Stockport team and the Pennington Flash
colliery Round 4 question went to Tony who was born
and brought up pretty well on top of the pit in
question. Surprisingly no-one knew what the
plaque at 86 Palatine Road (just a few hundred yards
away from the Albert Club) celebrated (Round 1
Question 26). |
The Paper |
As was the case last year Mike Wagstaffe and myself made full use of the TV screen in the Albert Club's back lounge displaying pictures and scoreboards as the evening progressed. Indeed Mike W (who set the 4 WithQuiz-style rounds) had a picture to support every one of the 60 questions he had compiled. In some they were essential to the question; in others helpful clues to the answers; and in many just a bit of relevant colour to the subject being covered in the question. Whichever they were much appreciated and added significantly to the entertainment for both teams. |
The Dave Barras 'Question of the Week' |
This week the vote goes to the 'Anchorage' question in Round 6 which had everybody scratching their heads over plausible contenders for the US State required in the answer:
For the answer to this and all the week's questions click here. |
....and also |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Got home last Monday after the regular 'Last Monday of the Month' Albert Club quiz to watch the edition of Eggheads that had been broadcast earlier in the evening. Oh my word! Rachael and her Shrimp soldiers well and truly dipped themselves into the Eggheads. Only Adam failed to reach the final round which pitted Shrimps Rachael, James, Mike and Paul against Eggheads Dave (of this parish) and Lisa. Needless to say the Shrimps won and picked up £2,000 prize money. Special mention to Mike who, en route to the final, vanquished Egghead Kevin who has recently been crowned World Quiz Champion for the sixth time. |
40 Years On...... |
It seems we are not the only ones celebrating a 40th birthday at this time; The Antiques Roadshow has just hit the same mark. So, I thought it would be worth rummaging through the memories at the back of your minds to see if any priceless gems were lurking ready for a second airing. I'll kick off with one of my own......
Any treasured WithQuiz memories you'd like to share? |