WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 15th November 2017 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
The Opsimaths lost to Compulsory Mantis Shrimp The Charabancs of Fire lost to Albert Dunkin' Dönitz beat The Bards of Didsbury The History Men lost to The Prodigals |
In response to this cerebral assault The Opsimaths were on poor form - not just with our lack of appropriate knowledge but our bad judgement. We got The Oxnoble and Black Sabbath answers, but blew both through faulty conferring. We did get a slightly harsher 'rub of the green' with seven unanswerable questions to the Shrimps' four, but our opponent's massive 15 twos to our paltry 5 shows who was really in charge. Talking of which Hilary was on excellent form in the QM chair - firm, fair and friendly. After the customary gift of a round of drinks from winners to losers and the reading of the spares, we fell to chatting about all things WithQuizzical and, in particular, the appeal of our quiz league to potential quizzers slightly younger than the average age of current team members. Clearly the WithQuiz standards and modus operandi appeal to the Shrimps and they are keen to spread the word amongst current Manchester University University Challenge hopefuls that participation in our league will make them more likely to succeed against Jeremy. Richard liked the fact that we have our own folklore in the League which conveys a sense of history and permanence. We had a good laugh over the legendary 'worst WithQuiz question ever' set back in the 1980s: "Who was the most famous F1 racing driver of all time?". I struggled to remember the answer given by the setters way back then. Was it Juan Fangio? Maybe someone can confirm this. (Since writing the paragraph above Kieran has emailed me with this:
"The answer to the most famous F1 driver of all time
was Alberto Ascari - two world titles to Fangio's
five so But surely the worst question of all time, acknowledged as such on QuizBiz in the immediate aftermath, was Mike's immortal 'How old is Huw Edwards?'. I was editing the paper that week and can only offer complete desperation as the reason I let that stinker through. I think the hue(w) and cry for Mike's blood after that one may have influenced his decision to scarper to Madrid.") Tom made the interesting point that in cosmopolitan places such as Manchester people move on making the organisation of quiz teams that much more difficult. By contrast in rural areas (the Sett Valley was cited) people stop in the same community for much longer and the local quiz team becomes a cemented-in part of the social fabric (or put another way they can't get out of the valley so they end up joining in the local pub activities). Richard made some very appreciative comments about the standard of our league compared to what he knows of the Quiz League of London (QLL) where super-competitiveness can spoil the pure enjoyment to be had from airing knowledge for it's own sake - as well as denying the fun of the related social exchanges.
All these comments play into the piece I've written at the foot of this page, which in turn was sparked by the comments of James (of Ethel Rodin) and Gerry on the message board last week. Do have a gander and comment back to me or to the message board.
"The scene was set for a thrilling encounter right from the start when Gerry tossed the coin and asked me to call without remembering to cover the coin with his hand. Even the Albert wouldn't pass up the chance to get something right." And how shall I describe the Charas? I think I will leave it to Leon Trotsky in his critique of the reactionary elements in Russia in 1921: 'Wearing showy bellbottom pants and sporty haircuts; hoarders, self-aggrandisers ....dandified and well fed.' Surely there is nothing to add."
"Father M has decided to institute a new ruling that whoever fails to score at least one two will be confined to the bench for the following week's outing. Even this desperate measure to increase the attraction of bunking off for a week failed to produce the desired effect as each Chara managed to notch up at least one two on tonight's paper. As a result our reverend captain is now scratching the few surviving hairs on his venerable bonce to come up with a more certain method to get us off his team. He has threatened to invoke the Holy Spirit once he has paid a visit to the Off Licence to re-stock. We await with collective baited breaths!
As the scores show, this was a
close-fought contest that went right down to the
wire. We led confidently in the first 2
rounds and then got clawed back by our increasingly
confident opponents. From there on we never
quite managed to regain the initiative. We
could at least have managed a draw If only I had had
the guts to go for 'Homburg Hat' when asked for the
link between Anthony Eden, Tony Hancock and Procol
Harum; a classic example of too much information
deterring me from coming up with the correct answer
- but I should have guessed and gone for it anyhow.
Mea culpa!"
"The Bards made the short trip from the cricket club to Heaton Mersey as the only team in the league with a winning record against us since 'Nemesis' six and a half years ago. They leave, still with a winning record, but the margin has narrowed. We've had huge battles with Tony & co. down the years. Twice in their trophy-gathering seasons they've beaten us three times in three different competitions in the space of four or five weeks so it was especially satisfying to be able to raise our colours at the end of the evening in this season's first encounter. The
Bards took an early lead but we levelled by the end
of Round 3 and were ahead at half time only to be
all square again after Round 5. We'd stretched our
lead to four at the start of the final round and
were confident of success - and then Barry, after a
week in Rome and disciplined
points ahead and five questions left, enter the John
Dalton Mathematical Scholar of 1981. I'd told
Martin to pick the science question in the
Manchester Bingo round partly because he knows
everything about every scientific Nobel laureate
associated with Manchester University, and partly to
stop Bard Jim getting a two on said question which
he undoubtedly would have done. Imagine my
delight when it became obvious after the first few
words what the answer was and Martin duly stroked
home his benefactor's name (£100 in old money) for
the two that more or less guaranteed us the win.
Imagine Martin's disappointment when, on Googling
post quiz, we discovered that there are TWO John
Dalton Mathematical Scholars each year (one first
year and one second year), two John Dalton Chemical
Scholars and even a John Dalton prize for Natural
History. Barry should try for the latter
After our visit to the splendid Travellers last week our home fortress is looking down at heel, unwelcomingly overheated and generally no longer appealing. I know it's one of the founding venues of the league but we're seriously considering relocating at the end of the season if not earlier. We don't play there after 21st February so we may be in the last days of an iconic league venue. Thinking of Upton Park I suggested we needed a new home built at someone else's expense and handed over to us all ready to go - and we should get Karren Brady on the job (as it were). Whereupon bitter Red Barry made a crack about my now living in Stockport so that it wasn't even my council taxes that helped build the Etihad (it was actually - I lived in Manchester back then). I'm sorry Guildford boy, Lowestoft to your core, you're playing the Manchester born and bred card against me? Whalley Range, Withington and Didsbury for forty plus years and not taking any of that from a sci-fi cockney red! We're a very harmonious team really and we do all love each other - honest Barry we do. Just cut the blurts ok?
"Good fun this evening at the Red Lion with the History People. The Prodigals were inspired by watching fellow Prodigal, Michael, in the Mastermind final recording the day before. Obviously can’t let you know the outcome but it will be worth watching. We continue to miss our inspirational super-star David Rainford who is still in hospital. Get well soon David!" ....while Ivor sends this.... "This lower table clash resulted in a great victory for the Prodigals. However, win or lose, we always have an entertaining evening with plenty of laughs though sadly for the first two rounds these emanated from another table in the Red Lion snug and included a woman who must have been trained by Stentor himself.
We were actually ahead at one stage and only two
points behind before our usual collapse in the final
two furlongs. Sheikh Mohammed would probably
1) The Prodigals knew more answers than we did, 2) Unlucky seat positions: Tim getting football and pop singers for his first three questions, 3) Unexplained brain failure: Optician David forgetting about Daltonism, Tim knowing Heights of Abraham but unable to think of a 19th Century novel ending in 'Heights' 4) My honorary Everton supporter status shown up by failure to suggest Romelu Lukaku as a promising youngster and Gordon West as a legend." ....to which QM Mike H adds a few thoughts.... "Question setters should take care to balance their questions. If one team is asked for a three-part answer, the other team should get a similar question with a multi-part answer. The worst possible question for Tim would involve football and pop/rock. And yet again an immensely enjoyable evening - both teams were a great pleasure to be with." |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week the paper was set by The Electric Pigs. The average aggregate was 74.5 just below the season's average of 75.8. |
Another good paper full of diverse subjects and engagingly varied ways of seeking answers. The level of difficulty seemed just right with (we thought at the Albert Club) a slight advantage to the team going first. We had plenty of chat about the subject matter during and after the questions which taxed QM Hilary in her attempts to keep order, and irked time-keeper Jitka. We finished a bit later than desired (about 10.35 I think) but we'd had loads of fun on the way.
My own favourite round was Round 5 which contained a
wonderfully timely theme The paper went down well in other parts of South Manchester as well.... Ivor comments.... "Andrew Simcock was present to see how his Pig’s paper was received and not many brickbats were thrown - not even by Anne. There was a combined score of 75 with just 8 unanswereds breaking 4-4. The themes were all detected (eventually) though looking for horse colours rather than browns in Round 1 did mislead us for a while. We knew we would struggle in Round 8 with no Mancunian natives but it was Round 7 that really did for us." ....and Mike O'B.... "I'm not so sure it was wise to go first - but despite this the scores were tight all the way through and the aggregate suggests that there were plenty of points on offer." ....and Damian....
" ....and, including his own personal gripe, Kieran.... "You really can't ask for three answers to the first part of a paired question and only one for its companion. On the other hand, the number that scores its own value in Scrabble was a great WithQuiz question - and was, of course, put away for a two by (you can't keep him out of the action tonight) Barry. A personal gripe would be that the construction of the ****ing airport relief road has made my commute to work a total misery for the last three years and I still didn't get the points because I located one end of it in Poynton. The traffic there is as bad as in Hazel Grove but the Poynton branch is a different road. Apparently. Hell does not have enough eye gouging, organ burning, testicle slicing torments for everyone from the planners to the navvies involved in that abomination." |
....and the Dave Barras Question of the Week award this week has been nominated by Dunkin' Dönitz and goes to Round 7 Question 2: What is the only number that is worth itself as a Scrabble score? For the answer to this and all the week's other questions click here. |
Albert Club Quizzes |
I hope you find these quiz rounds enjoyable. Do let me know which types you enjoy most. I have plenty in my archive and will let you have a couple each week as long as there is an interest. |
Here are the answers to the 2 rounds of Albert Club monthly quizzes I set you last week....
and here are a couple more for you to ponder. Answers next week.
Albert Club Quiz - 170925
- Listomania - Questions
Albert Club Quiz - 171030
- Nation's Favourite Poem - Questions |
'WithQuiz at 40' News |
Make sure you've got Wednesday March 28th in your diaries as this is when we will be gathering to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formation of our Quiz League. |
Celebration Evening I'm pleased to tell you that Mark and Cheryl Bassett have agreed to be our Guests of Honour on March 28th. Mark and his wife Cheryl have played for The Prodigals team for many years until just last year when they moved to Vienna where Mark has taken up a post with the International Atomic Energy Agency. They both keep in touch with the WithQuiz league via the website so will be up-to-date on all our latest news. Mark's an energetic and enthusiastic speaker and is relishing the prospect of saying a few words on this momentous occasion - as well as acting as QM for the evening's quiz. As I said last week do please spread the word about this event to any former WithQuizzers you're in touch with. We want the evening to be primarily a chance to catch up with former friends and team colleagues. Around Christmas I'll issue team captains with an invitation with full details asking for names of those coming so that we can firm up on numbers for catering and accommodation purposes. |
WithQuiz at 40 ….. and beyond? Last week, via the message board, James and Gerry raised an important issue that’s been buzzing around WithQuiz for a while; namely the reducing appeal of our weekly pastime to younger generations.
We’re rightly proud this season of having sustained our quiz league for so long. It’s put colour into many a winter Wednesday, for 40 years. The standards we’ve attained are pretty high compared to the general level of pub and club quizzes. We’ve been lauded by many who’ve seen the inventiveness of our question papers and enjoyed the banter displayed on our website. We should pat ourselves on the collective back for this achievement – but we shouldn’t rest on our laurels and there are worrying signs of decay. We found it impossible to replace TMTCH at the start of this season (Mike Wagstaffe tells me that the Stockport League has also found it difficult over recent seasons and has lost a number of its competing teams without replacements). Most of us now have first hand experience of young aspiring quizzers politely shunning the invitation to play with us. So, are there things we should do to reinforce the future of WithQuiz? I don’t think introducing a more prescriptive regime; whether over timekeeping, question content or ways of settling disputes would do anything other than make the whole WithQuiz experience less enjoyable. We mustn’t start taking ourselves too seriously. Having said that here are a few thoughts from me as to how we might seek to address the issues….
Do please air your ideas and views either via the message board or by messages to me to be included in the next edition of the website home page. I’ll place any comments received in the ‘WithQuiz at 40’ section. |