WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 22nd November 2017 |
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Results & Match Reports |
Bards lost to Opsimaths Charabancs beat Electric Pigs Albert lost to Ethel Rodin Dunkin' Dönitz beat Mantis Shrimp |
Jim excelled for the hosts - whilst Howell was on sparkling form for the visitors, deducing both the occupants of that fateful open-topped limousine in Dallas, as well as the missing colour in Lowry's palette. Great guffaws when one of his team addressed Tony as "His Honour Justice Hammond". "Tut, tut!" said Tony, "It was Judge, not Justice. There was no Justice in my court!" Late in the evening we took to remembrance of all things past and mention was made of Rodney Bewes who died this week. Whatever Happened to The Likely Lads was more than just a sitcom it was a chronicle of a bygone cultural landscape. Buried deep in one of its episodes was the quintessential tag for all quizzers, helping to keep their feet firmly placed on the ground even when their heads are in mid-air. Standing by the docks despairing of the lack of achievement in his life to-date, Terry speculates on the epitaph he would like on his gravestone. His choice sums it all up: "None the bloody wiser!" The next time the Opsimaths visit the Cricket Club will be in March for the 40th Celebration night when we guarantee a tougher shift for the Cricket Club's solitary barperson.
Doing so much better than last year The Charabancs of Fire rose to fifth place in the table beating The Electric Pigs in the Turnpike.
"I’m always one of the first to complain about imbalance when it affects our team (which seems to happen more often than the 50/50 chance of a coin toss) so I think it’s fair to observe that tonight we were very much the beneficiaries of uneven pairing. Albert vs Ethel is usually a close run thing, so we know it should have been much closer than a 17 point margin. The unanswered questions broke 7 to the Albert and 3 to us whilst we got 7 of the twos to Albert's 3." ...and from the other side of the Fletcher Moss table Mike O'B sends this.... "On an evening when just 10 twos were scored by the two teams put together Ethel won because they were clearly better at conferring than we were. Our demise began early on when Ashton thought the answer to the 'Hurricane Smith' question might be 'Windy Miller'. My memory of Windy is that he does not seem to be wearing any trousers and this may be connected to the reason he can make the sails on his mill turn even when there is no breeze - as well as justifying his nickname. This is typical of the philosophical questions which preoccupy the Albert team even as the contest slides gently away from us. To be fair we also fielded 7 of the 10 unanswerables so it would have been better to win the toss from our point of view."
Down at the Griffin, arguably the match of the
season so far, was taking place between last
season's champs, Dunkin' Dönitz, and this
season's hundred percenters, Compulsory Mantis Shrimp.
Something had to give and the visitors duly lost
their perfect record in a high-scoring contest.
Kieran, as ever, was on hand to embroider an
account of proceedings....
"I wasn't expecting that.
Anne-Marie and the Prodigals heroically ignored
recent pleadings to consider younger players when
setting questions and delivered a paper that played
to our strengths far more than it did to the
Shrimps'. Anne-Marie, I think I love you and I'll
cherish the memory of tonight for a long time. We
were 15 points ahead at half time and the second
half was more or less drawn as we held the Shrimps
at bay throughout on questions which were a little
more evenly balanced between the generations.
And blurting was notable by its complete absence.
After we'd mathematically won, halfway through Round
7, it was Barry who demanded no blurting because
points difference could be very important come the
final league table. Quite right too. We won it on
bonuses - 11 vs 3. I may have mentioned their
importance once or twice already this season.
Unanswereds were three on the Shrimps' questions and
two on ours, but we got eight pass-overs in the
first half. As I say it was just a paper that
was more or less designed for our
just-about-remembered old fart knowledge.
were worried by the celebrity kids with stupid names
round though we only lost it by two in the end. And
we'd correctly predicted the appearance of 'Harper
Valley PTA' (now there's a song!) Beckham. We, or
rather I, had a rick mixing up Under The
Boardwalk with On Broadway (which is a
truly fabulous song) but I can't think of anything
else that escaped us all evening. I should make
special mention of Rachael who scored six twos in
her team's losing cause and was by a long way the
best player out of the eight of us. One
unbeaten record comes to an end as another continues
inexorably a few miles to the east in the week that
Charles Manson, Jana Novotna, Rodney Bewes and David
Cassidy (there's a celebrity stiff dinner party I
want to be at) shuffled off to Buffalo or in one
case somewhere less appealing, and if you've been to
Buffalo anywhere less appealing is pretty bad. A
very satisfying evening for the Grand Admiral except
that, as I write, Cook has fished hopelessly outside
the off stump to Starc and England are 2 for 1. It
could turn into a long night but Root had the good
Yorkshire sense not to insert the Aussies at their
fortress. I'm looking at you Nasser Hussain, It
still hurts."
...and one final piece of happy news....just
received this email from Michael Taylor....
"Mike, While
I'm enjoying Oxford immensely, the lecturing post is
only for a term, so I'll be returning to Manchester
full-time (and permanently) in January to rejoin the
Prodigals. I
have been following this season from afar and I have
a few thoughts on the nature and the future of the
quiz, which I would be happy to detail at length for
public consideration." I've
suggested that he posts his thoughts onto the
message board.
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week the paper was set by The Prodigals. The average aggregate was 67.8 was just under 7 points below the season's average of 74.6 |
Great praise for the 'Run Ons' round and some fine paired questions rounds. Little enthusiasm however at the Cricket Club for the round asking us to 'Spot the Year' from three desultory and totally unmemorable facts. Surely it would have been better to include in each question a fact that anchored the answer to an Olympics or World Cup year so that options could have been narrowed. The opening of the first KFC outlet in Salt Lake City is something I have managed to avoid being confronted with for most of my life and I don't see why I should have my nose rubbed in it at this late stage! Having said this the resulting conferences in this round were most pleasurable leading to all sorts of reminiscences (but not many points). I do know however all about the death of Rod Hull. He was sort of killed by Manchester United. He was sitting at home with his friendly bird friend watching United vs Inter Milan on the box in some European tie. The TV signal started playing up so he went outside and ascended a ladder onto his roof to adjust the aerial. Sadly he fell to his death leaving the Emu orphaned.
James clearly liked the paper and offers this on behalf of his fellow Rodin team mates.... "I think we enjoyed this quiz more than most. Yes, it went on for a while (which isn’t an issue for our team) but the teamwork and conferring required for many of the questions was good fun and bore fruit. Plenty of occasions when individuals contributed parts of an answer that was then put together by the team. Lots of candidates for QotW. We liked the questions where there were several ways in, such as the one on bluebells, or the ones linking plants and film titles. 'Answer of the Week' was 'Eddie Shawaddywaddy' - which both teams wanted to be the answer. Alas I can’t remember the actual answer, as nobody had ever heard of them. 'Non-questions of the Week' were the pair of acronyms which yielded a total of 0 points." |
What connects Keith Peacock in 1965 with The Who in 1966? For the answer to this and all the week's other questions click here. |
Albert Club Quizzes |
Here are the answers to the 2 rounds of Albert Club monthly quizzes I set you last week....
I've not had any feedback on these quizzes so far (other than a very appreciative introductory message from Anne-Marie in the first week I put them up on the site) so I'll discontinue posting them for now. If anyone does want to see more of these quiz rounds just let me know and I can resume posting them. There are loads in the archive and they may prove useful to someone (say) who has a Christmas quiz to set. |