WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 10th January 2018 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Gerry Hennessy |
have heard that Gerry's cremation service will take place
next Monday January 15th at 10.30am at Southern
Cemetery with drinks and memories afterwards in the
Red Lion (where else!).
I hope you can get long to say
goodbye to a much loved member of our quizzing
As I know that people going along to this service may be interested to read what
we published about Gerry just before Christmas I have repeated it below. |
Sadly we have just heard that our
good friend Gerry Hennessy died earlier this week.
Many of the longer-serving members of
the league will remember him for his wonderful Red
Lion quizzes which he set and QMed for many years.
The quality of these quizzes and the fun they
generated cemented his reputation in South
Manchester as the leading character in our quiz
activities. Setting quizzes was his forte and
he set many great papers for WithQuiz matches over
the years. Knowing it was a 'Gerry paper' week
always made Wednesdays come around that little bit
Back at the end of the 2007/08 season
at the End of Season evening at the Albert Club we
chose to thank Gerry for all his tireless service to
our hobby by presenting him with a 'lifetime
achievement' award. Dave Rainford (who else)
gave the speech and presented the trophy.
Here's a picture and an extract from that week's
website report on the evening: |
QuizBiz - 07/05/2008
End of Season evening
“Highlight of the presentations, however, was a
heartfelt tribute to Gerry Hennessy from Dave
Rainford. Gerry, who was in at the start of the
Withington Quiz League, has just had his 60th. He
received a fine glass trophy from Dave inscribed:
To Gerry Hennessy KWE (Knight
Commander of the Withington Empire) commemorating
his 60th
birthday and acknowledging his immense contribution
to quizzing in South Manchester and profits in the
Red Lion – The Withington Quiz League May 2008” |
Pigs team
captain Gary Donely writes this tribute....
"RIP Gerry. So sad what life threw at him
over so many years - and dealt with at every turn
with an attitude to it all that was an object lesson
in fortitude and, yes, bravery."
and friend and Pigs colleague, Andrew adds
"On Thursday, 23rd June 2016 I had the good fortune
to spend a few hours with Gerry. First, taking
him to vote in the EU Referendum and then on to
Wythenshawe Hospital for yet another round of
treatment. He was a passionate Remainer and
for much of the journey was furiously scribbling
notes for me to read hoping the right result would
come about." |
Results & Match Reports |
History Men beat Charabancs
Dunkin' Dönitz beat Electric Pigs
Mantis Shrimp tied with Prodigals
Albert beat Bards
Opsimaths lost to Ethel Rodin |
"We started the new year well for once with a victory over one of our oldest foes. Of course we are not foes and tonight, in what was about our 40th meeting, we all had a very merry evening in an almost deserted Red Lion." ...and Mike H chips in.... "Let me just say that it was a very enjoyable, quiz in the company of two very friendly, humorous teams."
Dunkin' Dönitz took advantage of the Shrimp's tie against The Prods by beating The Electric Pigs and moving back into first place in the table. Kieran sends his first report of the new year.... "A decent win to start the new year against old rivals and friends, the Electric Pigs. A comfortable enough win in the end but we were 5 points down after three rounds and didn't get our noses in front until half way through Round 6. After that we were never headed. Twos were evenly split, 11 each, so yet again it was conferred questions and pass-overs that won it for us. The Pigs clearly got the rough end of the unanswereds with 7 against only 3 for us.
We're pleased to note that the paper this week inconvenienced the Shrimp and did for the Opsimaths whose conquerors, Ethel, we face next week. There have been a couple of one point victories and a draw between Ms. Rodin and the Dönutz in the last few seasons so it should be a great match. I wonder if the Opsis will go for a retro paper? (ED: Actually we're contemplating 64 teasers on characters from Dickens as we know that's the Dunkers' favourite subject!)"
Compulsory Mantis Shrimp tied with The Prodigals in a thriller at The Turnpike. Anne-Marie sends this.... "An honourable tie in what, for both teams, turned out to be not the most agreeable WithQuiz paper ever set. We really enjoyed each other's company though and thanks to Roddy and his fixtures computer we look forward to playing the Shrimp again next week - this time at our gaff."
"Much to our chagrin we arrived at the Fletcher Moss to find it closed for what looks like a radical refurbishment. Consequently, we transferred to the Crown which proved to be a surprisingly good venue. We had a comfortable lead until the last two rounds but then The Bards finished much more strongly so that in the end we only just scraped home."
The Opsimaths started the new year off poorly by
going down to title hopefuls, Ethel Rodin.
There was little in it through most of the
evening with the lead changing hands on a number of
occasions. Ably marshalled by QM Hilary the
quiz rattled along leaving plenty of time at the end
for a most enjoyable chinwag. There were one
or two mini-disputes along the way (did we really
have to give Ms Menchik's first name; was James'
stumble towards Castel Gandolfo via various Italian
names that sounded like a cross between Mafia bosses
and characters from The Hobbit worth the points?)
but on the whole the match was played in the best of
spirits between two teams with plenty of respect for
one another. In the end Ethel were worthy
victors and good luck to them in their quest to
unseat the Dunkers.
When we started the evening and Roddy and I were
chatting, Roddy warned me that he thought it would
be 'an old man's paper' from John Tolan. Well
with Hilary QMing there were 8 old men ready and
waiting for the questions with their metaphorical
pipes and slippers at the ready. No surprise
then that at another venue the Shrimps were slippers
of a very different sort. |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week the paper was set by Guest (John Tolan) The average aggregate was 78.6. |
A couple of days ago when John sent me the paper I had to get my wife to print it out and check that all was OK so that I didn't compromise myself as a player. When she said only two pages had popped out of the printer I had to get her to check that there were 8 rounds of 8 questions. "Yes" she said, "Of course, isn't that what you always have?". "But will it be legible to an an aging QM with so-so eyesight in a gloomy pub backroom?" I said. "Yes - shall I read some of the questions out just to prove it?". "NO!!!!"
So what did others make of the paper? Kieran.... "The quiz was a throwback; no themes, pairs, mash ups, top to tails, crosswords or any fancy business at all. There was even an appearance from 'which British city is served by such and such airport', the question format straw that finally broke Chara Gerry and caused him to rage in print against the dying of inventiveness when question-setting. That said, from start to finish it took little more than an hour including the half time beer break. Somewhere Mike Heale is wearing a huge grin and channelling Mr Punch, 'that's the way to do it'. For all the merits of brevity and simplicity though there was something dislocated about it. A sense that this used to be great and it's nice to experience it just once more but things have moved on and now we're playing a different game entirely. Like watching Yaya tread the Etihad turf on his Shirley Bassey farewell tour. It was once absolutely brilliant but now it's a bit.... meh." Ivor.... "As
expected from John Tolan, formerly of the Red Lion
team in its various incarnations, a good old In what must be the shortest quiz paper of the season tucked into an A5 envelope with barely a question longer than a line and all compressed onto two sheets of paper it ended well before 10.15, resulting in some of us being two sheets to the wind such was the available time for supping ale and chat. There was even time for jokes during the quiz with the pantry question reminding me of the old classic riddle: 'What is the difference between Fanny Craddock and a cross-country run'? (ED: No, nor me) The quiz itself certainly tested areas last visited at primary school: scalene triangles, the Fosse Way and Richard I’s marriage en route to the Crusades (surely a marriage as convincing as Elton John’s to Renate in 1984). And a quiz mercifully free of the distasteful modern world, by which I mean Cabinet ministers, silver screen nonentities, popular beat combos - indeed anything after about 1980, and this suited us very well. The only curiosity was the greyhound racing colours question as no one had ever seen a race with more than six traps." Mike O'B....
"The quiz was a throwback to the early years of the
League; no pairs, themes, run-ons, bingo etc. - just
straightforward general knowledge. This
allowed relatively little scope for using logic to
work out an answer and hence relatively
little scope for conferring. On the other hand
we rattled through the quiz in about an hour which
was pleasing. The score suggests that the
questions were reasonable and there were very few
unanswered. There was an occasional lack of
balance but this is bound to happen in a quiz of
this type.
From the QM point of view, Mike H.... "One doubt - no-one of the 8 present, understood the question about greyhound racing. The questions contained as they were on just two sheets were difficult for the QM to navigate. It would not have been difficult to get into the Two Ronnies situation where the answer to a question was given to the preceding or following question - but I survived with just one faux-pas, asking Spares Question 1 rather than Round 8 Question 1." ....and finally Shrimp Tom (who knows a thing or two about setting balanced and enjoyable questions for general consumption) chips in these comments as a counter-balance to some of the remarks above.... "Shrimps and Prodigals alike will remember this paper for the unfortunate pairing of Dennis the Menace and Vera Menchik, which gave plenty to talk about at the half-time break. But to retain only this memory would be unfair and unfortunate; it was really quite a good paper, with short, pithy questions, good balance of subject matter and plenty of what I call 'inherent interest'.
Commentators above seem to think we failed to win
because of 'oldie' questions. This is not
true. The paper suited us. We failed to win
because the Prodigals knew a lot of stuff, conferred
well, overcame the Gnasher / chess-champion spike
and because we made a number of incorrect 50 / 50
calls - for instance....
Hebrew alphabet - Richard: ‘I think it’s gimel’. Tom: ‘I think bet and vet are separate letters. Can we go with vet?’ Holst’s Planets - Tom: ‘It's either Neptune or Uranus but I remember my brother’s LP… blah, blah….. shall we try Neptune?' 1908 Olympics - James, Rachel and Richard: 'Was it something to do with a volcano? Tom: 'Maybe, but there was a major earthquake in Messina in 1908, isn’t that more likely…?' Clothing labels: Rachel: 'Could it be Do not bleach?' Tom and James: 'But how about Do not dry clean?’ As far as we were concerned, the ‘oldie’ popular culture questions were all perfectly gettable. Desmond Llewelyn, Trevor Francis, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Puppet on a String – these are comfortably within the standard quiz canon, in the ‘old but enduring’ category. None was in our condemned category: ‘nostalgic but dead and buried as far we are concerned’. I’m still surprised that WithQuizzers don’t seem to see the distinction between these two categories. Perhaps taphephobia plays a part?" |
Which footballer was the first for whom an English club paid a £1million pound transfer fee? For the answer to this and all the week's other questions click here. |
'WithQuiz at 40' News |
Make sure you've got Wednesday March 28th in your diaries as this is when we will be gathering to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formation of our Quiz League. | |
Celebration Evening A few days ago I sent this message to all Team Captains....
The attached document read....
If you are reading this and used to be a quizzer in our league then do please get in touch with me or one of the team captains. We'd love to see you on March 28th. |
....and also |
Of course our assessment turned immediately to the White Lion toilets which were widely recognised throughout the area (indeed throughout Europe for all I know) as the most unhygienic known to man. Perhaps when we get together for our nostalgia-fest on March 28th we can announce some sort of Bog Standard League Table. It would be good to hear you views. |