WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 24th January 2018 |
WQ Archive | Comments | Question papers |
Results & Match Reports |
Dunkin' Dönitz beat Opsimaths History Men lost to Mantis Shrimp Albert beat Electric Pigs Bards lost to Ethel Rodin |
On the Opsis side I thought Brian played a blinder remembering that "the Word was made flesh" came early on in St John's Gospel but after the phrase "the Word was with God". Howell meanwhile excelled on the tennis options in the 'Choose Your Own' round. When it came to the second half we floundered - and I didn't help matters by thinking that Round 7 was Round 8. Ironically in the end I did decide to confer on Question 7 in this round and we answered incorrectly after my first instinct (Namibia) would have got two points. In the event there were 9 more questions to navigate during which we fell a further 3 points behind. As Kieran has said before, the Dunkers are razor-sharp when it comes to knowing when to confer and when to go for a two - and we're not in the same league in this respect. Next week I'm being left at home (well the Etihad actually) while Nick and Paddy return to the team for the annual encounter with Ethel at a venue which (albeit in a former life) was lovingly described in tonight's Round 1 thus: "It reminds me of the Winchester from Shaun of the Dead, but without customers." Kieran's verdict on the same match....
Neither team chose well on the bingo rounds but the Opsis did better than us and worked a four point lead up to an impressive eight at the break. Tony you're just playing at it, we're truly hopeless at picking the subjects that suit us. Witness Barry choosing the science fiction question that required the surname of the character from 2001 (did anybody know that?) and then answering the Blade Runner question, which was a spare at the end, in its entirety, after only hearing the words 'I've seen....'. With
that eight point deficit David mused that 'it would
be a good one to win from here.' Hmmm where
have I heard that before? But so it proved,
thanks in large part to three bonuses in the 'Run-Ons'
round. I don't think that's ever happened to
us before. I was expecting the Opsis to get all
their questions and was just hoping we could hold
them to what, at that point, was still a five point
deficit for us. They had some terrible luck:
'Man About The House' rather than 'Doctor
In The House' and 'Apache Guevara' instead of
'Comanche'. But we showed our team game in the
'Dora Bry(i)an Blessed' question. We were focusing
on Last Of The Summer Wine; Kathy Staff, Jean
Alexander and Thora Hird until I said
I was having one of those nights when I didn't know any of my own questions but was able to get points for the team on The Man in The Iron Mask and the captain of the Marie Celeste which is equally satisfying, so long as we win in the end! 'There's no 'I' in team' and all of that management-speak twaddle. Some people have recently compared me to Ed Balls or Sam Allardyce; and Bob thinks I shouldn't arrange to have The Griffin super-heated on match nights such that our opponents inevitably wilt come Rounds 7 and 8. Allegedly Big Sam does the same thing with the away team's dressing room to try to gain an advantage - but his argument rather falls down when we're suffering in the same oven as our guests! I think we just wear the opposition down relentlessly trying to wrest the initiative and win points no matter what the state of the game. I don't suppose anyone will be mistaking me for a snake-hipped Catalunyan anytime soon though.
Without getting ahead of ourselves, Barry wondered,
after the game had finished, what the hell had
happened to us for three years from 2014 to 2016. We've got a week off next week (thanks Roddy), so David and I will be at the Etihad hoping to see City's hundredth goal of the season (that is if it doesn't happen on Sunday). I'll keep a close eye on the technical area to see if I can pick up any tips. If I'm seen haranguing Damian over playing conservatively and not going for twos after our match against the Charas in a fortnight, you'll know I've taken it too far."
The History Men lost at home to Compulsory Mantis Shrimp. Which means the Shrimps are still firmly in the title hunt, underlining the fact by registering - by some way - the top score of the evening. Rachael reports....
"After a very enjoyable evening at
the Red Lion we finished 15 points ahead. As
always, it was a pleasure to spend the evening with
the History Men who are always delightful company
and worthy opponents. We took a slight lead in
Round 1 which we steadily extended
...whilst from the opposition benches Ivor rises to address us with these words.... "Mantis Shrimp beat us by 21 points at our last meeting so I suppose a 15 point deficit suggests a degree of improvement for us. We were only 7 points behind going into the last round before a 9-1 score condemned us. The Shrimps have a seemingly endless supply of players tempered in the furnace that is University Challenge. Tonight it was Charlie who appeared in the Manchester team of two years ago. 'We didn’t do very well then,' he reported. Well he did very well tonight, along with James, Tom and Rachael; 15 twos between them compared to our 5."
Albert beat The Electric Pigs in the Fletcher Moss derby. Mike O'B reports on events as follows.... "Ah, the refurbished Fletcher Moss! The Pub twitter-feed tells me that there are new cask beers available and 3 new urinals in the Gents; good to see raw materials and production in equilibrium. The quiz itself was fairly straightforward although Pig Andrew, who had kindly agreed to QM, wondered how many in the quiz league knew what was going on in Iceland in 1844. There was occasional griping about the wording of some of the questions. Jeremy has insisted that the following be inserted into the record concerning the medical question in round 1:
Think what he would have been like if he hadn't picked up the points for the answer! He wrote the above quote out for me and will be checking this on the website to ensure that I have transcribed his words accurately. No lack of paranoia in the Albert team then."
Bards of Didsbury lost at home to Ethel Rodin
- another convincing win for Ethel keeping
them in touch with the top of the table.
Roddy reports on the mix-up at the start of the
"We were
playing at the cricket club but we were fortunate to
gain entry as it turned out Tony had thought that
the Bards were playing at the Red Lion - so the
whole Bards team were down in Withington until they
realised the mistake. Subsequently when they
arrived back at the cricket club they were a
question master short and had to play 3-handed.
Apparently the club had only been opened for them
specially by the steward as it is normally closed on
Wednesdays." |
Quiz Paper Verdict |
This week the paper was set by The Charabancs of Fire The average aggregate was 66.8 |
In the Griffin encounter there were
18 unanswered questions and plenty of debate about
some of the answers (for instance it turns out that
Comanche was not General Custer's horse but that of
Captain Keogh who fought alongside Custer at the
Little Bighorn). I was also concerned that the
'run-on' style of question might be getting contorted by
compacted answers. For instance it would have
been feasible by the rules set out in this evening's
paper to have a one word answer containing 3
syllables where syllables one and two answered the
first part and two and three the second part.
Is this OK - or too clever by half? More
crossword than quiz answer?
Ivor comments....
"A combined score of 75 suggests a 'good standard
par' quiz - however we found it rather taxing (as
losers usually do) and, whether we got harder
On the quiz proper we had a few good rescues with
Comanche (not Apache) as the horse, Alice in
Wonderland and Jonny Wilkinson. But mostly
the questions fell to the wrong seat (though Mike
got his two on the location of that well known film
starring Harrison Ford (!!!) Romancing the Stone;
it turned out that he had actually worked in Colombia).
Interesting thoughts about changing times over the
years: a policemen who laughed when given half a
crown - presumably corrupt and, as Anne suggested,
probably in the Vice Squad.
Oh, and don’t the French do political scandals
better that any other country? Puts a new meaning
to 'dying on the job'."
...and Mike H....
"Found the quiz less enjoyable than on other
occasions. Seemed there was something lacking;
a bit one-sided, more difficult questions than usual
and not a lot I could get involved with."
...and Rachael....
"We all enjoyed the quiz, a good range of topics and
themes which inspired a lot of fevered conferring on
a number of occasions." |
For the answer to this and all the week's other questions click here. |
'WithQuiz at 40' News |
Make sure you've got Wednesday March 28th in your diaries as this is when we will be gathering to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formation of our Quiz League. |
Celebration Evening
As suggested last week early returns
nominating invitees for our 40th celebration
indicate that numbers will be nearer 100 than 80 so
the organising group have decided to switch the
venue from the Cricket Club to Didsbury Sports
Ground on Ford Lane in Didsbury (where the TOC H
Rugby team play). This new venue can
accommodate 100 fairly comfortably. The lounge
is split level with ample seating and plenty of
space to move around. The photo below gives an
impression of how it's laid out with both upper and
lower levels available for our exclusive use....
As far as nominations for invitees are concerned
I've had returns from Dunkin' Dönitz, Ethel Rodin
and the Opsimaths - and from a number of ex-players
who wish to join us for the evening (such as the
TMTCH team). Please do get your returns to me
as soon as possible (the deadline is February 10th).
When all nominations are in I will issue a formal
invitation to all concerned with full details.
From now on you can ignore the previous imposed
limit of just 7 nominees per team and let me have
the full list of all who would like to join us for
the evening.
In preparation for the Celebration evening I've been
getting information together about the formation of
the league in the late 1970s and have had lunch with
Roddy and Barry Whitehead (who was the guy who got
the league organised and off the mark in 1977).
Interesting to compare archives for the late 1970s
to 1999, and those for 2000 onwards when the website
became our means of keeping in touch. From
2000 onwards pretty everything that moved in the
league is documented and available on the website
archive pages; from 1977 to 2000 Barry's complete
set of records amounted to 5 scraps of paper from a
1984 personal diary with some scribbled match
results. Who's to say? Maybe we were
better off then with just rosy memories and none of
the archived data and opinion recorded for posterity
that we have these days. |
Fr Megson |
Sour Aul Cleric up for grabs |
But try telling that to the hoors that are only in it for the money nowadays. Big Sassanach lummoxes for the most part, educated beyond their intelligence in socialist secondary schools, big Bolchevist palaces with roofs and flushing toilets and bottles of milk and all manner of sybaritic excess, establishments that pandered to the every whim of these big bouncing baby boomers and made them soft. No longer beaten to a pulp for not learning their Catechisms off by heart, these cosseted milksops grew up feeling entitled to become freethinkers and freebooters, atheists and bank clerks who believed in neither God nor hill farmer. And this drift towards Hell in a handcart continues apace. If you can believe the tabloids and the websites, there are some teams out there who won't even deign to turn out for Victorian pennies and thrupenny bits. The hoors in the Griffin are rumoured to be demanding appearance money of anything up to ten decimal coins a week - that's more than some decent hill farmers get on the dole. It's elitism gone mad. It will be the Bitcoin next. And it was in the Mail a few weeks ago that some uppity manager from some place in the back of beyond of Europe is saying now that any team that can't afford to buy in at least 300 million brain cells can never hope to compete for an end of season tin cup. Well that's the Pigs and the Charabancs well and truly fecked for the next 300 million seasons. Withquiz and the modern world are off to hell in a handcart and there's precious little Fr Megson can do about it. Except to donate his most favoured birthday present as a new and hopefully much sought after trophy. A bottle of Sour Aul Cleric, brewed as a "controlled and disciplined union of bitter lemon and apple juices for the poor and plain people of Ireland". A dedication extended on this occasion to the poor and plain people of the Withington Quiz League who take the greatest stand against taproom elitism. So, your future Wednesday mission is clear: just turn up and drop off, as the hippies used to say - but don't forget to wake up in time for the free round at the end. The team that does this most consistently and manages to finish the season propping up the league will be rewarded with this handsome trophy. |