WITHQUIZ The Withington Pub Quiz League QUIZBIZ 28th March 2018 |
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'WithQuiz at 40' News |
Have so many 'harmless obsessives'
(as Mark so elegantly put it in his excellent
speech) ever gathered together in one spot in South
Manchester before?
Last night around 80 of us stopped tussling for our
league title and just celebrated the fact that we've
been at this pub quiz thing for 40 years.
We were joined by many friends from the past and the
present who have shared our obsession....
.... Barry Whitehead who founded the league and
through his tireless efforts kept us on track for
most of the first 20 years - and who is very happily
back with us playing for the Electric Pigs this very
season (Barry was presented with a bottle of
champers for his efforts on our behalf),
.... a posse of our mates from the Stockport League,
.... Gilly Barras and many members of The Men They
Couldn't Hang team,
.... some quizzers who were involved in the early
days in the late 1970s such as Bill Souster, Gerry
Laversha, Robin Proctor and John Mellor
.... those good friends who have left our ranks more
recently such as Colin MacKenzie, Antony Timmins,
Roz and Tony Jones, Allan Stores, Clive Berry and
Pete Conry
.... the husband of the late, lamented Val Draper,
Rod Riesco and his son Chris,
.... and, to fanfares from all present, Dave
Rainford was able to make it despite the ailments
that have kept him away from quizzing for over 5
months - his entrance brought a smile to all our
faces last night and I feel sure it will have done
his recovery process a lot of good too.
The recipe for the evening was chiefly to eat, drink
and be merry - but, of course there had to be a quiz
in the middle of the evening and Roddy duly obliged
with a nostalgia-fest of questions drawn from his
recollections of question papers from the first 22
years of the league.
Roddy's own team (perhaps because they included the
heaviest concentration of 'early years WithQuizzers')
came first with 20 points, followed by the Dunkin' Dönitz squad on 17 points. There was a tie for
third place on 16 points between the Stockport
League team and the Prodigals. Mugs from the
collection shown below were awarded to each of those
4 teams.
Throughout the evening the walls of the two lounges
of the Didsbury Sports Ground pavilion were
decorated with posters telling the story of our
league presented as a series of newspaper front
pages (our grateful thanks to Clare Howarth who
helped me prepare these).
During the evening we voted for Question of the
Quadricennium (i.e. by common consent the best
question of the 15 years since we started voting for
a Question of the Season back in 2002/03).
These were the results....
Votes cast
links the Sahara Desert, Lake Nyasa, the River Avon and
Pendle Hill?
They are all tautologies
‘Sahara’ means desert, ‘Nyasa’ means lake, ‘Avon’ means
river and ‘Pendle’ means hill)
Compulsory Mantis Shrimp
The title
of which Beatles song, also covered by the Carpenters
and released on the album Help! may have referred to
cards indicating a clean bill of health carried by
Hamburg prostitutes in the 1960s?
Ticket to Ride
Compulsory Meat Raffle
country's most northerly point is the furthest south?
Snoopy’s Friends
the following quotation from Brian Clough when talking
about Trevor Brooking: "He floats like a butterfly
"stings like one"
British Dyslexia Research Centre is based in which town?
Dunkin’ Dönitz
band of the 1980s got its name (according to some) from
a piece of graffiti referring to the twitching movements
made by prisoners being hanged?
Spandau Ballet
Only two
countries in the world can be described as ‘double
landlocked’, that is, surrounded entirely by countries
that are themselves landlocked. Name either.
Who was
responsible for the Gateshead Flasher's Erection?
Anthony Gormley
(it's an
affectionate local nickname for the Angel of The
(Second word of first answer is first
word of second answer)
artist wrote “I inherited the seeds of madness. The
angels of fear, sorrow, and death stood by my side since
the day I was born"? His Nazi-orchestrated funeral left
the impression with his fellow countrymen that he was a
Nazi sympathizer.
series of children's books is about a group of unwanted
vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts who were swept to
the corner of a shop but ran away together and set up
home in and around an old, forgotten garden shed? They
spawned a brand of yoghurts based on the names of the
Brains of
Musically speaking, where is a
Volkswagen, registration number LMW281F, preserved for
On the
sleeve of Abbey Road
Electric Pigs
child of 8 was horribly murdered in Hampshire in 1867
and has given her name to a well-known saying, ambiguous
because of its initials?
(as Guest
Sir Peter
Teazle did it in 1757; Cardinal Beaufort did it in 1505;
Captain Cuttle did it in 1922. It usually takes about
2.5 minutes to accomplish it. What is it?
the Derby
Films theme)
plot of which film follows a girl's effort to raise
sufficient money to fund a trip to try out as a
cheerleader for the fictional Texas Cowgirls?
Debbie Does Dallas
Pierluigi Collina & Gollum/Sméagol/Andy Serkis
Electric Pigs
sexual practice is referred to in the Liverpudlian
expression “get off at Edge Hill” and why?
Coitus interruptus
Hill is the last station before the terminus Lime
The top 3 teams were
duly awarded the specific mug displaying the
question with which they had won from the selection
shown below....
I've received a number of emails this Thursday
morning from those who came along and without
exception they showed how much the evening was
Despite my blushes Kieran has insisted I include the
text from his own feedback. So here goes -
over to Kieran...
"It was particularly fitting that Barry
Whitehead was there. He couldn't possibly have
imagined what he and a few Revenue mates were
starting (in the year that I left school for
heaven's sakes!) which is why no records exist
from the time before we say we started winning
It was also good that Gary's refusal to give in
and his sterling efforts in keeping the whole
thing going twenty or so years ago were
recognised. Gary's got quite an impressive track
record in battering away at a problem until he
gets the answer he wants, we should all take
note. 'Fail better' can sometimes turn to
success. We failed and failed and failed
against St Cath's for years but we got a little
closer each year and eventually came the time
when we could beat them more often than they
could best us. Or so I claim at any rate
and there aren't any records to prove
otherwise. Just hope you're not on top form in
two week's time Gary; we're rubbing up against
the sharp end of the season and we need the
Most of all I want to acknowledge the immense
contribution that Mike Bath has made to the
happiness and wellbeing of harmless obsessives
everywhere (yes you can print this Mike, in fact
I insist that you do). Through
stakhanovite devotion to all things WithQuiz
Mike has turned what was once scribbled down in
the back of someone's diary into the go-to
website for pub quizzers not only in South
Manchester but countrywide and, true to the open
and generous spirits of anyone attracted to
showing off their knowledge of trivia, there's a
free-to-air archive of around 30,000 questions
that we know has an audience far beyond the Red,
the Griffin or the Fletcher Moss. On top
of that he provides a platform for Wednesday
night drunks like me to sound off about anything
and everything, sometimes even vaguely related
to what went on in the quiz match and he only
edits me for libel and profanity (more or less).
And he's even managed to assemble a pretty
fearsome quiz team who give us, and I suspect
all the other teams, the sternest examination of
quiz competence season after season.
So thanks Mike, and I hope you continue to enjoy
being all things WithQuiz - and that you carry
on doing it for many seasons to come.
We may have been without Sean but former Donut
(actually former Finger, Mad Dog and Napier
Girl) Antony made the journey from Essex to
celebrate with us and reconnect with old
friends. And that was what was so good
about last evening; that so many people with a
connection to the league wanted to do that.
Antony has a unique record in the league as a
serial title winner. For all the seasons
he played with us he was champion every time
and, pace Paddy Opsimath, I don't think there's
anyone else who can claim a 100% record such as
that. Antony also returned the original
Griffin mascot, imaginatively named Griff, to
its rightful home and I fear it may become a
permanent fixture on Wednesday evenings.
If memory serves me right, every team that has
gone down the 'adopt a mascot' route has
instantly plummeted from dizzying heights to the
lower reaches of the league table, and ignominy,
so you may all have cause to thank the Essex boy
soon enough.
And that's just about it. Mark said I was
famous for complaining. Well.... lack of
real beer, lack of customer service skills from
the bar staff.... but nah.
Top night.
Hope everyone enjoyed it and here's to the
next... year or two .. with a bit of luck." For
those of you wondering about the cost of last night
I am totting up what we've spent and will split it
between the 10 teams that are currently playing in
the league (as we agreed some time ago). I
will be in touch with team captains shortly to let
them know how much they owe me - but I'm expecting
it to be around £60 per team.
Finally a few photos of last night have trickled
their way to me .....
Ethel & friends
(l to r)
John Tolan, Lloyd Powell, Roz & Tony Jones,
Roddy Toffler, Bill Souster and Gerry
The Men They Couldn't
(l to r)
Gilly Barras, Karen
Steve Holland, Anthony Stevenson
and Steve Hudson
The Electric Pigs
(l to r)
Dave McColm, Guy Cresswell,
Gary Donely and
Tom Grimshaw
The Charabancs of Fire
(l to r)
Damian Land, Freda
Dennison, John Dennison, Gerry Collins and
Roisin Graven
Our Friends from the
Some of our mates from
the Stockport Quiz League including Mike
Wagstaffe (2nd from right) and John
Holden (far right)
Boz and his assistant
serving the grub
University Challenge
(foreground l to r)
Parody, Michael Taylor, Paddy Duffy and
David Brice
The Upper Lounge
Prodigals past &
(l to r) Clive Berry, Anne-Marie Glennon,
Dave Rainford and Michael Taylor
Bar talk
(l to r) Kieran Dillon, David Bevan and
Ann Webley
More bar chat
(l to r) Ivor Cartmill, Mike Bath, Colin
MacKenzie and Bill Souster |
.... and also |
During the course of the evening Rachael, Kieran and myself put our heads together to agree what should happen in the unlikely event, in 3 weeks time, of the league season ending with the Dunkers and the Shrimps equal on league points AND on score difference. We were clear that in such an event the league championship should be declared a tie and no further device should be used to distinguish between the top two teams. Hope you're all happy with that. So now we stop quizzing for an Easter break with 'hostilities' resuming on April 11th. |