KFD beat Charabancs
KFD luck holds for another 'squeaky bum' one-point victory
Griffin psychic sees the future in the past
It's déjà vu all over again, again
Yeah ... see last week and any number of trademark KFD clutch wins from last season.
The psychic advertised on the blackboard outside the Griffin hadn't turned up (presumably he/she didn't get the memo) so we were back in our normal room. But, and I did give Damian a very clear warning about this last week, the travellers once of Ladybarn had travelled all the way to OUR bench and were in situ, unbecomingly insouciant, when we arrived. Revenge ..... cold ... or something.
City's bog roll millionaire and staff
Bob being Bob, hale, hearty and back where he should be, dispensed the quiz with his customary authority and in pretty short order despite significant conferring on both sides. It probably helped that I was rather quicker with Rosemary & Thyme for the winning 2 points than I had been when struggling for the current defence secretary's (God help us, every one) real name nearly a year ago.
Wall-King like Cleese
The last round was a roller-coaster. We hadn't spotted that it was literally a 'pot pourri' theme by the time Martin missed La Môme Piaf's signature song by a country mile and handed the Charas a bonus and a two point lead with only four questions left. Fortunately the penny was about as likely to drop with the Charas as it would be in a falls game in an arcade - and Jack Lemmon rather than Art Carney put us back in the lead after we'd finally worked out the theme and Thomas had slotted home the Orange Free State with minimal fuss. John and I traded twos at the end and that was that for the latest of our 'it ain't over till it's over' relaxing Wednesday evenings.
An Egyptian dish
With Mike in attendance we knew the scores from the other games much earlier than usual - including the unexpected and, from our point of view, unexpectedly good news from the club. No clear team to beat after four weeks then and all to play for as we go into WithQuiz's tribute to football's much loved international break.
Next up it's the Opsis and the Griffin again in two weeks. Mike don't get any ideas about crossing the floor, you'd be about as well received as Lisa Cameron at an SNP gathering, or anywhere really.
Hasta la vista, baby.
and Damian reports from the KFD corner of the
Griffin lounge
Last night's proceedings were an exciting, down-to-the-wire affair that hinged on a solitary point in the end that - typical of our luck these days - didn't go our way. For us, it was a rather disappointing exercise in overthinking the answers to many of the questions and therefore missing out on several twos we could, and probably should, have had since we did actually know the answer.
For example: 'Tony Bennett' which confused me as I never thought of him as a jazz singer although I should have guessed he was the answer from the Lady Gaga clue - and so I chickened out for a one. Bernard hesitated on the 'TOE' science question and 'Cedar' from the tree flags connection and we could have scored 2 twos there.
In addition, and this has been one of my bugbears for a long time, questions about who won the Oscar should (in my view) relate to the year in which the film was released for which they won it and not the following year when the awards are given out. Hence I missed out on 'Jack Lemmon' who I knew had won the Best Actor Oscar for 1973 and went instead for Art Carney who won it for a 1974 film (I confess to being a bit of a nerd when it comes to Oscar winners, as I memorised who won Best Actor / Actress, and when, a long time ago). Anyway, rant over.
So, it was a quiz of missed opportunities for us. As for sitting in Kieran's favourite seats I plead not guilty as I was the last Chara to arrive and the rest of the team were already happily ensconced in that corner. I do seem to recall that we beat KFD once before when sitting in those same seats (but maybe my memory is a bit faulty).
No I'm not Gaga
Prodigals lost to Electric Pigs
Bookies in despair after a stunning 6-point win for the Pigs
Michael witnesses the Prods shellacking
To say we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory would be to do a disservice to the Pigs, whom we led by between one and 4 points for the first seven rounds, only for them to rack up an enormous score on Pot Pourri (naturally, I heard this as "popery" and, as a good Presbyterian, refused to take any further part in proceedings). We blurted a few times but, to be honest, we thought the Pigs had the harder set of questions for at least the first half, so a six-point margin in their favour was a real shellacking for us!