KFD lost to Ethel Rodin
Ethel march on with a convincing away win against last season's champs
goes all Danny Dyer
In a stunning break with tradition the game which always ends in a one point victory ended in a (thoroughly deserved) four point victory. An impressive aggregate score, rather a lot of very chewy conferring and some very long silences before, for example, Debbie McGee was plucked from the ether for an unlikely two.
Bob was hatless throughout, I think we'll have to insist he reverts to normal next week; it just didn't work for us as is plain from the score. And we discovered that our usual room for quizzes is known to the Griffin staff as The Living Room. We played rather more like the zombie undead at times.
A young Piet plays with his Lego
Jaw-dropping moment of the evening was when one of our number described Lord Cameron of Pork Openings as a serious politician. Three quotes which could have happily sat in the final round sprang to mind:
"What a lightweight" - Barack Obama on first meeting the pig botherer, possibly apocryphal.
Danny Dyer's magnificent 'Speak for England' rant in the presence of Piers Morgan, printed in full below because it's the best moment of the last thirteen godforsaken years:
“Who knows about Brexit? No one has got an effing clue what Brexit is, yeah. You watch Question Time, it’s comedy. No one knows what it is – it’s like this mad riddle that no one knows what it is, right? So what’s happened to that twat David Cameron who called it on.
"Let’s be fair ... How comes he can scuttle off? He called all this on. Yeah? Called it on.
"Where is he? He’s in Europe, in Nice, with his trotters up, yeah? Where is the geezer?
"I think he should be held to account for it. He should be held to account for it.
And Jeremy Vine's perfect tweet:
"The second TWAT from Danny Dyer is everything"
Ain't that the truth.
Not quite a game of two halves, but definitely a game of a quarter and three quarters. KFD stormed to a 16-8 lead after two rounds.
The excellent Bob the Hat had opened the proceedings by welcoming our newest team member to ‘Fortress Griffin’ and by this point it was already looking like Ethel would spend a long evening firing blanks.
Celtic passion without a cue
But by the end of Round 4 Ethel had somehow turned things round to lead 23-20. From that point on, we held on to the lead. Whilst there have been some close games between our two teams in recent seasons (Grant Shapps springs reluctantly to mind) KFD had always seemed to scrape home by a point, so it was an overdue outcome.
My small countries question foxed me as, even though I knew Lucia di Lammermoor, I ended up conferring not realising that Lucia would be St Lucia. Nobody in the two teams had heard of the band Monaco, but Michael’s excellent guess of The Solomon Grundies deserved better.
We enjoyed the pictures and languages, and managed not to talk ourselves out of Korean and Icelandic. Michael had learnt sign language as a kid (he absolutely assures us this is completely unrelated to his career as a professional Bridge player) and remembered enough to work out ‘General Knowledge’. Roddy worked out the Morse code clue.
The second set of those questions both fell to us, and although ‘Happy Birthday’ could be worked out as a crossword clue without knowing any Morse, it was made more doable with the crib sheet of the previous Morse code question. This advantage could have been evened out if the second sign language question had gone to KFD - but that had come to us too, which did help. Next time, semaphore and Braille instead perhaps?
We had a moment of apprehension going into the last round 2 points clear, as quotation rounds have undone us in the past. However, we held our nerve. There were at least four 50/50 guesses in that round, and, as in the quiz as a whole, Ethel managed to guess right 75% of the time.
Finally, noticing the results elsewhere, don’t feel too bad for Ivor and co, as on Tuesday night, in the Fletcher Moss quiz, The Historypeople once again walked away with the £40 beer vouchers.
The BBC's Covid hero
Bards tied with Charabancs
First tie of the season at the Parrswood
last Beckett comes up trumps for Damian
Well, you couldn't make it up. After making numerous references last season and this to a famous quote by Samuel Beckett ("Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better") what should pop up as the last question of the evening, and to whom? Yes, you've guessed right. His spirit really must be watching over us and I must make good on my intention to make it our team motto. It secured us a well-earned tie, our first of the season. We had led in every round but two but the margins were always paper thin and we needed the 'Sam' answer to stave off a last minute race to the finish line by the Bards and earn a draw. I think both teams would agree this was a justified outcome!
For 'Question of the Week' my obvious preference would be for the Beckett quotation but that may just be a personal one. On reflection I think I would vote for the picture questions as my favourites simply for the sheer novelty of the idea even though we could only guess at the answers.
... but she's getting around to bigger vehicles now!