The Withington Pub Quiz League


7th September 2024


WQ Fixtures, Results & Table

WQ Teams

WQ Archive Comments Question papers

Nick Mills - funeral arrangements

The funeral will be on Friday 27th September, 11:30am at Altrincham Crematorium with refreshments afterwards at the Rope & Anchor, Paddock Lane, Dunham Massey.

Many thanks to Greg Spiller for passing on these details provided by Nick's sister, Amanda.  If you intend to be there please let Greg (gregspiller13@gmail.com) know and he will tell Amanda so that she has an idea of the numbers.

Nick Mills

Some really sad news for The Opsimaths - and for all of us.

Nick Mills died in his sleep earlier this week.

Nick had played for The Opsimaths since 2009 and was by some way the most accomplished quizzer we've had in our team over the 40+ years we've  been competing in WithQuiz.  Indeed he has a claim to having been the best quizzer WithQuiz has ever had.

Famously it was the Opsimaths who broke the 12-year KFD stranglehold on the League title in 2011 and it's fair to say that without Nick that would never have happened.  In 2014 and 2015 he helped us to 2 more titles and only last season we finished second with his contribution a sizeable element in our success.

His team mates will sorely miss both his encyclopaedic knowledge and his impeccable reasoning skills when he wasn't sure and was conferring.  If Nick suggested an answer, it was a brave Opsimath who didn't go with it!

One story about Nick I will always treasure ...

It was the Opsimath/Prodigals derby in the back room of the Albert Club, 12th October 2011.  The Pigs were setting and (Round 6 Question 8) the QM asked me:

"If you travelled due east from the southern tip of India, in which country would you next touch land?".

Correctly (as it turned out) I answered "Sri Lanka".  "Wrong" was the QM's response.  Nick exploded arguing that I was right (rather than the answer "Thailand" given in the paper).  The debate got somewhat heated and it was a while before Anne-Marie and I cooled tempers.  However this was all too much for Nick; he stomped out of the back room almost taking the curtain divider with him.  "Oh, God", thought the Opsis, "our best quizzer has just walked out on us."  A few minutes later, much to our relief, Nick reappeared.  On the way out he'd stopped to consult a Pears Encyclopaedia which he'd noticed on the Club's bookshelf and returned somewhat sheepishly to show us all a map from the encyclopaedia that showed that "Mike was dead right".  Thanks to the generosity of the Prods I got my two points and we moved on.  A few years later Nick and I laughed about that incident and I think Nick did slightly regret his impetuosity.  For me however it just showed what a committed Opsimath he was - and how important the quizzing scene was to him.

Away from WithQuiz Nick was a celebrated quizzer nationally, at one stage standing very near the top of the national quizzer rankings.  On TV quiz shows - like our good friend Rachael - Nick was a regular, competing in University Challenge, Mastermind and Only Connect to name but three.

We will all greatly miss his earnest Yorkshire-ness and his occasional loud chuckle.  Being an Opsimath will never be quite the same again.  Nick, I hope you realised how much your team mates loved having you as their colleague every Wednesday.  Many thanks and Rest in Peace!

When I have more details about Nick's funeral I'll pass the information on via this site.

(Nick, second from the right, with all his Opsimath mates celebrating the 2014/2015 League title)

Dave Badley

Many of you will know Dave Badley, stalwart of the Tiviot team in the Stockport League.

Sadly he died last Thursday, July 18th.

  Not only a long term and able quizzer, who we often came up against in the WIST competitions, Dave was one of the founding fathers of the Stockport League, having served as Chairman for many years.

Further details are on the Stockport Quiz League home page.

2023/24 is no more - put to bed by the combined might of WithQuiz at the Albert Club

Ethel emerged as the most successful team of the season but on the night the Bards took the End of Season crown

End of Season Friendly Quiz

Winners: Bards

Runners Up: History Men

Third place: Ethel Rodin

Another season bit the dust as the combined forces of the WithQuiz brains gathered at the Albert Club to celebrate in the usual 'end of season' way. 

The quiz of the evening was put together by myself and constructed on themes inspired by the film Casablanca.  Round 1 was a music and pictures round distilled from papers we've used during the past season ('You Must Remember This').  Round 2 ('A Kiss is Still a Kiss') was formed from contributions received from past WithQuizzers (Gerry Collins, Paddy Duffy and John Tolan), and from WithQuiz website user David Burnage from London, all of whom very generously responded to my website call for questions a few weeks back, and Round 3 was my own concoction inspired by the 3 'R's ('The Fundamental Things Apply').

In between rounds Mark Bassett (now back with Cheryl from their work in Vienna) was our Guest of Honour presenting the season's awards ('Round up the Usual Suspects').  Mark's been helping to run the International Atomic Energy Authority while Cheryl has been recording audio-books in English for Austrian ears.

During the course of the evening WithQuizzers voted for the 'Question of the Season' based on the 26 candidates chosen as 'Question of the Week' each week on the website.  As you can see in the table below Albert lifted this award with two KFD offerings in hot pursuit placed second and third.

As for the evening's quiz ('A Fight for Love and Glory') the Bards were just too strong for the rest winning with a score of 78 out of the 100 points on offer.  The History Men finished second and Ethel Rodin third.

Finally major congratulations go to Ethel Rodin who were the standout team this season.  They did the WithQuiz double of the Barry Whitehead League Shield and the Val Draper Cup whilst further a-field (under the guise of 'Smart Alex') they won the Stockport league trophy.

However stellar their performance has been this time, there are plenty of teams snapping at their heels and absolutely nothing is guaranteed for next season.

Thanks go to John Dennison who took some snaps during the evening which you can glimpse here and if you want to test yourselves against the evening's quiz paper then you can see it here (music clips and all).

So here's looking at you quizzers!  Let's rest up and recharge our batteries for the autumn.  Remember we'll always have Ladybarn - As Time Goes By!

'Question of the Season' results....







To what was someone (perhaps Lord Chesterfield although the quotation is variously attributed) referring when he said “the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous and the price absurd”?

Sexual intercourse



Which is the largest city in a UEFA member country never to have staged a Champions League match?




Which literary character is described thus:

"Even among men lacking all distinction he inevitably stood out as a man lacking more distinction than all the rest, and people who met him were always impressed by how unimpressive he was"?

Major Major

(from Catch 22)