Fixture list |
20/09/17 |
to 10 teams with the Men They Couldn't Hang resigning following the
loss of Dave Barras last season - preparations to celebrate the 40th
seaspn get underway |
QuizBiz |
28/09/17 |
win decisively to hoist the WIST Pre-season Friendly trophy - QotW:
'Around 40% of the residents of Alaska live in its largest city,
Anchorage. Which is the only US state in which a higher
proportion of the state’s inhabitants (approximately 43%) live
in its most populous city?' |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
04/10/17 |
The 2017/18 season kicks off with
high scores all round and defeat for last season's
league champions - average aggregate score across
all matches was a record 92.8 - QotW celebrates the achievements of
our very own Bard Eric and his time at Porton Down |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
11/10/17 |
Wins for the Dunkers, the Shrimps,
the History Men and the Opsimaths on another
high-scoring evening - QotW: 'Which town
stands today on the site of the place referred to in the writings of the
Venerable Bede as "the place where the stags come to drink"?' - Dunker
Barry uncharacteristically notches another blurt |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
18/10/17 |
Wins for Albert, the Dunkers, the
Charas and the Shrimps but more importantly our prayers and
best wishes go to Dave Rainford who is ill in a
Glasgow hospital; get well soon, Dave, we are
all thinking of you - meanwhile Mike O'B introduces
the new Albert corporate logo |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
25/10/17 |
A clean sweep for this week's away
teams as the Dunkers, Ethel, the Bards and the
Opsimaths come out on top - another glorious
'run-on' question wins the QotW nomination: '1998 romantic comedy starring Cameron Diaz and involving some
unusual hair gel; instigator of the last private prosecution in the UK for
blasphemous libel (the crime was abolished, long afterwards, in 2008)?' |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
01/11/17 |
The Shrimps strengthen their hold
at the top whilst Albert, the Opsimaths and the
Bards slip up - an Ethel paper with a novelty: two
answers to a question where one is a spoonerism of the other set by
'Speg the Griller' |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
08/11/17 |
Quarter finals week - two from each league win through to the semis
in both the Champions Cup and the Lowly Grail - QotW concerns
Freedom of the
church, remarriage of widows, fish weirs, and the application of
justice - and a question about Enoch Powell and Nigel Farage |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
15/11/17 |
recalls the Rabbi Lionel question from way back 'What do you call a
bloke with a shovel on his head?' with the answer given as 'Doug'
which has to be the most ill-advised WithQuiz question of all time -
QotW this week: 'What is the only
number that is worth itself as a Scrabble score?' |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
22/11/17 |
paper a bit tougher than the season's average - QotW: 'What connects Keith Peacock in 1965 with The Who in 1966?'
- Discussion as to how Man U was connected to the death of Rod Hull
and Emu |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
29/11/17 |
Wiggins (late of TMTCH) joins the Charas for his debut - the Shrimps
make a horrifying debut on David Attenborough's Blue Planet 2
as the zebra mantis shrimp - QotW: It came into being
on April 10th 1998 and has been extremely
successful for nearly twenty years but it is now
under serious threat. What is it? |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
06/12/17 |
steam trains feature in the paper this week with Night Mail
and Brief Encounter sneaking in - QotW:
'Who was
Merton Professor of English Language and
Literature at Oxford from 1945 to 1959?' |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
13/12/17 |
sadly WithQuiz has lost two good friends this week: Gerry Hennessy
and Andrew Simpson. Gerry was one of the founders of the quiz
league back in 1977 and was much loved and respected by all who knew
him. Andrew was also in at the start of the quiz league back
in 1978. He played for the Albert Inn team. |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
10/01/18 |
recalls Old Big Head and a record transfer - Damian
ponders the standard of the toilets in our various
venues both present and past (memories of the
bravery it took to take a pee in the White
Swan) |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
17/01/18 |
of Gerry Hennessy's funeral and the gathering afterwards at the Red
Lion - QotW about football clubs Hitchin Town, Marlow FC,
Maidenhead United, the Civil Service FC, and the Scottish team
Queen’s Park - |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
24/01/18 |
the Dunkers and the Shrimps keep their title hopes very much alive
with victories - QotW concerns the Blessed Dora - the venue for the
40th celebration evening is sorted - Fr Megson donates his precious
bottle of Sour Aul Cleric to be presented to the league
wooden-spoonists at the end of season prize-giving |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
31/01/18 |
143 Father Megson articles gathered together in one place on the
website and indexed - ultra low-scoring paper from the Bards with
the Charas pointless for 3 whole rounds - Mark Schwarzer's long
service for the Premiership recognised in QotW - and NZ's 'chipoacalypse'
gets a mention in Round 1 |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
07/02/18 |
Harry wriggles into the QotW - Albert paper with Links and Run Ons
('Hi De Hieronymus Bosch' and (outrageously) 'Debbie Does Dallast of
the Summer Wine') - Webmaster wonders if Run Ons have run on too
long |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
14/02/18 |
semi-finals with DD beating the Shrimps by a single point - paper
from Opsimath Brian is great fun with questions about Spaniards
defenestrating goats and US States named after girlfriends - Fr
Megson contributes an article |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
21/02/18 |
valiant attempt to innovate from paper-setters, Ethel Rodin, who
introduce a round of questions, each one structured in two parts
with the second answer being a Spoonerism of the first part - QotW
focuses on a well-known Music Hall star and vegetables |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
28/02/18 |
cracking paper from the Pigs prompting memories of Gerry's setting
prowess - Rod Riesco (the late Val Draper's partner) gets in touch
to tell us he'd love to come to the 40th celebration - and a red-rumped
rat turns up in Round 7 - QotW recalls a surprising act of Muhammad
Ali |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
07/03/18 |
out of the Cricket Club the Bards decamp to the Parrswood to beat
league leaders, DD and spring a major surprise - toughish paper from
the Prods - QotW about draft titles considered for a much-loved
film- memories of a Piano forte in Paris |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
14/03/18 |
paper from DD - Shrimps win and go back to the top of the table -
Bards finally abandon the Cricket Club in favour of the generous
expanses of the Parrswood Hotel - QotW film ending quote:
"Hey what’s your name?";
Davis: "My name’s McCardle."; "Well so long." "So long.”? |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
21/03/18 |
celebration of 2CVs, Frank Lampard. a Thai bower and a constituency
that has elected a range of rogues, lawyers, babies and peers over
the years demonstrates the diversity of a Wednesday night with
WithQuiz |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
28/03/18 |
celebrates its 40th birthday - Mark Bassett's address welcomes a
host of old friends who give up their Wednesday to join us - Barry
Whitehead receives due recognition for starting it all in 1978 -
Ethel win the 'Question of the Quadricennium' prize for their 2007/8
tautology question as well as winning the evening's 'Nostalgia' quiz
- great to welcome the return of Rod Riesco, the late Val Draper's
partner, and back from illness, Dave Rainford |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
11/04/18 |
new type of question from the Shrimps: clues to colours lead to a
flag and so to the name of a country - Dunkers' win sets up a
head-to-head with the Shrimps for the title next week - Fr Megson
donates his ancient bottle of 'Sour Aul Cleric' as an annual award
for the team that finishes bottom of the league |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
18/04/18 |
retain league crown with a tie against the Shrimps - great paper set
by our Guest setter (Mike Wagstaffe from the Stockport league) - a
QotW from a 'Size Matters' round all about what used to be made at
Binns Road, Liverpool plus a reminder of a day when there was 'No
news' |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
25/04/18 |
beat Stockport's Alexandra team to win the WIST Champions Cup whilst
The Printers from Stockport beat the Bards to secure the Lowly Grail
- Greg Spiller's paper proves an entertaining but stern test - QotW
celebrates moles |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
02/05/18 |
we hear of the death of former History Men player, Peter Morgan - an
interesting article lifted from the New Statesman in which gender
balance in University Challenge questions is examined (Shrimp
Tom being quoted at a number of points in the article) |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
09/05/18 |
Men set a tribute round to their friend and colleague Peter Morgan
with questions all about Morgans - Why the babies of the House of
Commons always seem to be women these days comes under the spotlight
- a holy fanzine gets a call out in QotW |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
16/05/18 |
and Plate semi-finals - Carol Vorderman's bottom comes under
scrutiny - City players who've gone on to become political leaders
is mentioned - Edward Thomas's Adlestrop is fondly recalled -
QotW is all about multiple Best Supporting Actor Oscar winners |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
23/05/18 |
beat Opsimaths in the Val Draper final - Dunkers beat the Pigs to
win the Plate - the Charas' Rhyming Couplets round won everybody's
vote as their favourite round of the 'Knocked Out United' paper -
QotW was all about 1943, Basel, bikes and a certain Albert Hofmann |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
30/05/18 |
of Season celebrations at the Albert Club - James sets the evening's
fun quiz and his wife Manchester Central MP, Lucy Powell, gives out
the gongs - Charas's Albert Hofmann 'bicycle trip' question wins the
QotSeason award ahead of the History Men and the Shrimps |
QuizBiz |
Question paper |
Mike H's QuizBiz summary for the 2017/2018
season |